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EmeraldTK: Yessssss my friends, it's finally here!  My interview/talk show with the Sonic crew!!! And many things will get revealed tonight so sit back... relax... and... Enjoy!

*audience cheers*

EmeraldTK: And for  those who  have no idea what's going on then you probably didn't see the chapter before this  which said 'PLEASE READ' because you  either didn't read it  or you are new but it's okay we  are just having an interview and  it basically all started from the chapter that  said 'PLEASE READ'  which is probably deleted by now but don't  worry you can participate next time!

EmeraldTK: So I thank all of you guys who asked  questions and our first character we will be speaking to is Amy Rose!

*audience cheers as Amy  makes her way onto the stage and sits in one  of the sofa's as EmerldTK  sat in another sofa*

EmeraldTK: Hello  Amy

Amy:  Hi!! :D  

EmeraldTK: Well  I am going to have to ask you a few questions and you will have to answer  them

Amy: Alright

EmeraldTK: Well the first question comes from ShadamyisKawaii and  the question is 'If you got 1 last day of life  what would you do? O.o'

Amy:  Well obviously I would live it up! I'm talking about partying, eating foods   that I haven't eaten yet, try new things and live it up with my besties all the way until 11:59 :) And who knows... maybe there will be time for  romance  :D   

EmeraldTK: awww!!! Well ilovehimmore_ asks 'what's your idea for a ideal/perfect guy???

 Amy:  No one would probably believe me but I think  about a perfect guy all the time! Obviously he has to be attractive, intelligent, funny, loyal, maybe   a bit of the strong and silent type, I  want him to really care for me, and obviously he needs to put up with me because that's hard to find now a days hahaha!

EmeraldTK: That sounds a lot like Shadow

Amy: *face becomes red* Well it's not!!!!!!

EmeraldTK: Okaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy

Amy: .... 

EmeraldTK: .....

Amy: .... and I want him to be good at sports  too...

EmeraldTK: You  just added  that because Shadow doesn't do sports >:)

Amy: That's not true!

EmeraldTK: Well it doesn't really matter if it's true or not  because  Shadow is planning on joining the soccer team >:)

Amy: .... >:(

EmeraldTK: >:)

Amy:  Can we move on to the next question now?          

EmeraldTK: Okay an anonymous  source asked if you can slap anyone here, who could it be? Except Mina because  she might  have a hard time with these questions

Amy: Hmmmmm......   do I actually get to slap em?

EmeraldTK: *shrugs* sure

Amy: Well  I can't slap Maria because she might cry... if I slap Rouge for fun she might go all diva on me.... although Sally and Julie-su are friends with Mina they  don't really give me a hard time...

EmeraldTK:  *getting bored* Can you hurry up?

Amy:  Aha! I  could slap Scourge!

Scourge: *runs onstage*  What? Why me???

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