Chapter Twenty Three

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Hey guys this chapter might be short because I honestly  didn't know  how I can make it that entertaining lol but don't worry the next chapter they return back to school  which means they return  back to their everyday douchbags! :D There is a video at the side. Enjoy!

-Shadow's POV At Amy's Soccer Game-

"Did you just see that? Amy just stole the ball from Maria,"   Rouge giggled as she watched Amy run across the soccer field with a soccer ball near her feet, she avoided everyone who tried to come in her way and before she got closer to the net she kicked the ball as hard as she could which flew into the net instantly, the crowd cheered and Amy looked so tired. I watched her put her hand on her knees then  try to catch her breath before she jogged back to her team's net.

"But isn't Maria and Amy on the same team?" I questioned.

"Yeah, your point exactly?" Blaze questioned back which caused Rouge, Blaze herself, and even myself to  chuckle a bit. As I watched Amy play I saw how  she's actually a really well team  player.

-After The Game Was Over-

After shaking hands with the other team and saying her farewell's to her  teammates. Soon she approached me with her reusable water bottle in one hand and greeted me with a weak smile, I smiled to see her once again.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I hate that other team," She mumbled as she pulled up her sock  and tried to wipe the mud off her sneakers and jersey.

"Were they really that rough?" I asked, Amy nodded.

"Getting pushed down a few times and having a ball kicked to your face is  nothing compared to what Carrie got,"  Amy said with a small giggle, I chuckled as well before Amy looked deeply into my eyes once again.

"So are you ready to go?" I questioned.

"Yeah, just let me put on some jeans in Rouge's car for a  second," Amy muttered.

"Okay... wait what?" But Amy only giggled as she walked away with Rouge and Blaze to Rouge's car.

-At Starbucks-

Amy and I sat quietly at a table casually drinking  hot chocolate  in the coffee scented coffee shop also known as Starbucks.

"So... Amy I just wanted to know.... why would you send pictures to Sonic in the first place?" I asked her, Amy put  down her hot chocolate and seemed serious for a moment.

"It was on Snapchat... it wasn't that big of a deal okay..." She mumbled as she started fiddling with her purse.

"Well I just wanted to know because since we actually made it official  now  I thought we could tell each other stuff  but you seem very... secretive," I noted, Amy stared at me for quite a long time.

"Look. You and Sonic seem to be great friends and I don't want to ruin your friendship because of what happened in the past. I was stupid back  then and I learned from my own mistake.... I'm glad you actually care  about this relationship but all you need  to know is anything friendly that happened  between Sonic is over now," She replied with a genuine smile  and that sparkle in her  eyes that makes  everyone want to scream. I was speechless, I had no idea what to say. Amy deserved a round of applause, she actually seemed serious  and overly kind for those two minutes  or something. But Amy  seemed to have mistook my  silence the other way and has  given me some nervous smiles.

"Um.... I'm going to go get some macarons... I'll be right back,"  Amy said before she walked off. And  right on cue when she left Sonic and Sally  had waltzed into the cafe as well.

Heart Broken (ShadAmy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora