Chapter Thirty Seven

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Hey guys sorry if I took awhile to update, if you actually read the beginning to Royal Love (Chapter 8) you can see that I was in trouble for awhile but it's okay now. Also this story will be ending in a few chapters but don't worry because Royal Love sorta just started, also I'm sorry if this chapter is all a sudden to you but it will be worth it later. Also added a video and if you watch the video after you finish this chapter you might catch feels just saying lol ----->>> Enjoy!

-Months Later, Amy's POV-

Shadow and I have dated for months now, Mina has been minding her own business even though we still pick on each other at times, although Tikal over here can't seem to forget that her and Shadow broke up. Like a year ago. Also this lady here seemed to have gotten her hands on my number. She tries even harder than Mina to get us to break up, she even photo shopped pictures of us to make us look bad. She's trying to hard and it's annoying, how come Shadow and I can never be left alone? Is it meant to be? Right now I'm in my room with Rouge, Blaze, Maria and Fiona.

"Hey so Mr. Hunter wants us to do some poetry thing, the guys are only doing it to get girls, they have to present it in front of the whole class, I can't wait!" I squealed.

"Why? Because you want to hear Shadow's poem?" Rouge questioned.

"No, because seeing them fail will be hilarious," I stated.

"You say that now but Silver is a good poet," Blaze defended.

"You guys are so cute together, are you all going to the Chaos High Ball together?" Rouge questioned.

"Yup," Blaze replied, the Chaos High Ball is different from all those other school parties, this one is way more special and fancy, and very expensive since this is a private school after all, by being prom queen, homecoming queen or spring fling queen is one thing but being queen of the ball is so much more different! For those other parties you get your name and picture in the year book, school newspaper and whatever but when you're queen of the ball you're name goes down in history, if you're queen of the ball you are officially queen of the school. Which Maria has told me multiple times I am queen of the eleventh grade but not the whole school because some senior is more popular than me, we are both friends, I am friends with a lot of seniors but she has taken my crown way too often, and I need to prove that I can beat her to her game before she even graduates! Who is the queen of the school you ask? Well I am going to tell you. Her name is Perci, she's a purple bandicot with blue eyes. She's cute and flirty and stuff but the difference between Perci and I is that she can get guys to do her bidding.

"And I changed the theme of the ball! It's now a masquerade ball!" Blaze announced as some of us squealed. Oh right Blaze also became the new school president.

"Masquerade ball? Sounds like something another school did before, but I know you won't disappoint anyone Blaze!" I encouraged her.

"Thanks Amy!" Blaze said, I stopped to think, our school really do have a lot of events.

"Hey do you guys think Mina will get nominated? Fiona questioned, Blaze heaved out a sigh.

"She did," She stated, I stood to my fight and stared at Blaze.

"She what?" I yelled.

"Well in your defense, you did as well," Blaze reminded me, but I pushed that thought to the back of my head right now. Mina already got the spring fling crown and there is no way I will allow her to take this one!

"We need to run a campaign immediately," I stated.

-Shadow's POV-

Amy said she needed to talk to me, but I don't understand why out of all places she chose a club. Anyways, she rented a room for the two of us, I sat down on the couch in the room and waited for her. About five minutes later Tikal actually came in and left the keys outside the door, but she came in, locked the door and stared at me with a smirk, she wore a white crop top with black leggings along with some regular Ugg boots.

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