Face to Face

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Edward's blood ran cold as the creature loomed before him, its grotesque form a stark contrast to the innocent face of Lisabeth it had worn moments ago. Terror choked him, stealing his breath and rendering him immobile."What... what do you want?" he stammered, the question tumbling out in a pathetic whisper. The creature tilted its head, its eyes gleaming with an intelligence that sent shivers down Edward's spine. Did it understand him? Was this a twisted mockery of conversation?Unable to bear the creature's gaze any longer, Edward squeezed his eyes shut, his back pressed against the wall. He held his breath, willing himself invisible. But the creature's presence remained, a suffocating weight in the air. Then, a warmth brushed against his hand. A gasp escaped his lips as he hesitantly cracked open his eyes.Standing before him wasn't the monstrous entity, but Claire. Her smile, the one that could light up a room, was etched upon her face. Tears welled up in Edward's eyes, blurring his vision. Was it real? Could it be?"Claire..." His voice was a hoarse rasp, barely audible above the frantic pounding of his heart. He knew, deep down, that this was an illusion, a cruel trick conjured by the creature to exploit his deepest vulnerabilities. Yet, the yearning in his heart was a physical ache. He reached out, a trembling hand searching for hers. As his fingers grazed the silky texture of her hair, a wave of grief so profound it threatened to consume him, washed over him. He sank to his knees, his body wracked with sobs. "I'm so sorry, Claire," he choked out, the words a desperate plea into the empty air. "I'm so sorry..."Despite the chilling truth, the suffocating knowledge that this was a phantom conjured by darkness, Edward clung to the illusion. In that moment, the lines between reality and desire blurred. All that remained was the phantom warmth of his sister's touch, a fleeting solace in the face of his unending grief. Suddenly, a coldness seeped into Edward's hand, a stark contrast to the warmth he'd imagined. He hesitantly glanced at Claire's face, his heart plummeting into his stomach. Her once radiant smile was frozen in a grotesque parody, her skin an unnatural shade of blue. Her hair, which moments ago had seemed so real, now hung limp and lifeless, strands matted and... wet. Edward scrambled back, a primal scream tearing from his throat. "No! Please, no!" he pleaded, his voice cracking with a mixture of terror and desperate hope."Face it, Edward," the creature's voice rasped, the playful lilt vanished, replaced by a chilling mockery. Edward lunged for the nearest object, a glass from the table, and hurled it at the creature with a surge of desperate defiance. The glass shattered against the creature's form, leaving not a scratch. But the action, however futile, seemed to momentarily break the creature's hold.Seizing the opportunity, Edward bolted. Adrenaline surged through him, propelling him forward in a desperate bid for escape. He didn't care where he went, as long as it was away from the monstrosity closing in behind him.His frantic sprint was short-lived. A cold, slimy grip clamped onto his shoulder, halting his escape. He was thrown back against the wall with a sickening thud, the air knocked from his lungs. The creature loomed over him, its grotesque form casting an oppressive shadow. Its inhuman fingers dug into his flesh, the pain a searing counterpoint to the terror coursing through him."What do you want?" Edward gasped, his voice hoarse with fear and exertion.

The creature's voice, a cacophony of whispers that seemed to emanate from all around him, was a chilling counterpoint to the silence of the room. "You know very well what I want, Edward," it hissed. 

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