Episode 31

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The weekend soon arrived and as promised Joe was taking Alfie for the day and the following day to follow him around and help him with his work. Alfie was just excited to carry on what they started just a couple of weeks ago before he was rushed away back home to see to Mavi. Mavi was at her Grandparents house wanting to be there rather than with her father, she knew how much this meant to Alfie and wanted to leave them too it. Joe wondered out to the gate letting them in without paying. He greeted his girlfriend by pecking her lips then signing at Alfie who signed back, he didn't understand what his mom meant to Joe but he knew his mother was happy for it.

"Darren wants to speak to you about this fundraiser if that's alright?" He questioned Demi nodding her head gently.

"Sure, just about it in general?" Demi questioned herself.

"Yeah I think he just wants to know a bit more about Alfie and what you would like to involve in the fundraiser. He's already gone and brought some soundless fireworks to use when it gets dark, it won't affect the animals." Joe explained.

"Sounds good." Demi stated taking Alfie's hand as Joe took the other the three of them wondering back up to the zoo. Anyone walking past would think they were just a family. They made their way into the offices Joe showing Demi the way to Darren's so he could finally meet the deaf little boy and his mother who was determined to do the best for him. He knocked gently the door soon opening seeing his boss stood there.

"Hey Joe," Darren greeting letting them in. "You must be Demi and Alfie."

"Yes we are." Demi answered encouraging Alfie to say hello, the little boy waved keeping hold of his mother's hand. They had a little chat before Joe left with Alfie to begin their jobs for the day. Demi stayed behind so she could have a chat with Darren.

"So he's been deaf since birth?" Darren inquired passing her glass of water, Demi took a sip of the water before placing it on his desk on a coaster.

"Yes sir or at least since he was about four months old, we noticed he wasn't really responding to us so took him to a doctor who diagnosed him." Demi explained.

"And you've always known about the operation he could have?" Darren questioned.

"I've always known but it's always been too expensive and it's only been going up over the years, thankfully Joe came up with the amazing idea." Demi stated.

"He is a good man, of course he came up with the idea. I saw something in him when he was just a teenager after an internship." Darren boasted with pride.

Joe watched with a smile on his face as Alfie fed the penguins, the birds that have always been his favourite animal. He handed the little boy another fish Alfie not even squeamish about holding a dead slimy fish, he fed another penguin not wanting the same penguin to have all the fish. Joe threw some into the water for the more confident bunch.

"All gone!" Alfie exclaimed Joe smiling. "What next?"

"Now we have to clean out their nest boxes." Joe spoke as he signed.

"Stinky!" Alfie screamed making Joe chuckle. He knew that Alfie wanted to know everything about being a zoo keeper and not just the glamorous parts. There was a lot of work to be a zoo keeper, able to look after them, feed them, know when they need feeding and what to feed them. Their diet played a big part of their live and for each animal to get the correct diet was for the keepers to figure out and keep on top of. "Can we see the polar bears now?"

"Sure little guy." Joe signed to him as he spoke making the little boy giggle, Joe led him over to the hand wash sink assisting him into washing his hands then washing his own before they made their way over to the polar bears. They had already been fed but their shelter needed cleaning out. Joe wasn't looking forward to next week when Leeroy and Lilo left them.


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