Episode 35

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The next couple of months passed by quite quickly and soon it was July, Mavi had finished school and had a job of being Leo's best friend who had grown a lot since the day Joe brought him home after saying goodbye to Lilo and Leeroy who had settled down well into their new home. They had been doing a lot of planning for Alfie's fundraiser and was about finished, they just had a couple of touches to add to it but they had set the date for next weekend all desperate to get it done so they could get the operation done before his fifth birthday. Joe and Mavi spent most of their time with Demi and Alfie at their house, Demi joined in with planning knowing what Alfie would like to be involved and it was just easier rather than going home late at night. Demi woke up early on a Saturday morning smiling when she felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around her as her head laid on his bare chest.

"Morning gorgeous." She heard a voice looking up only just able to see Joe looking down at her from the angle she was laid at. He pulled away from her slightly though so she would be more comfortable and so they were able to see each other better.

"Morning," She replied smiling when he kissed her lips gently pulling away. "Last night was amazing." Demi admitted smiling as he did as well.

"I know but we should probably get dressed before we get some unwanted visitors with some unwanted questioned." Demi laughed as he threw his legs over the edge of the bed slipping on his boxers and the pair of sweats that were thrown off last night deciding to leave his shirt off. It was summer and too hot, even Alfie was wondering around the house without a shirt on.

"Do I have to?" Demi complained obviously in her lazy mood.

"I'll make a start on breakfast, come down when you're ready." Joe stated laughing when she puckered her lips. He leaned down kissing her gently Demi kissing back, he pulled away pecking her lips gently before wondering out of the room leaving a smile on Demi's face.

Demi wondered downstairs less than half an hour later wearing something cool herself smiling when she wondered into the kitchen seeing Mavi and Alfie sat at the dining table keeping Joe company as he was stood at the stove making pancakes for the four of them. She wondered over taking a seat next to Alfie kissing his head gently.

"Your gonna regret not putting on a shirt when the fat from the pan spits up at you." Demi accused Joe only giving her a glare making them laugh.

"I'm more worried about the cub at my feet thinking my toes are edible." Joe answered making Demi giggle again. He could feel the baby leopard at his feet attacking them even if he wasn't moving, he had lots of energy after being fed by Mavi.

"Come here cutie." Demi cooed lifting Leo up laughing again when he swiped for her hair, she knew he was only playing.

"Um Demi Alfie just ran out, you want me to see him?" Joe questioned Demi looking over at where Alfie was sitting seeing that he wasn't there anymore. She shook her head gently placing the cub in Mavi's arms before rushing off after her son to see what was wrong. She didn't like to see him upset and she knew if he was it was probably his disability.

"What's wrong with Alfie?" Mavi inquired worried about the boy she had become good friends with over the time they had spent together.

"He's getting a bit frustrated about his hearing but hopefully soon that won't have to be a problem." Joe replied.

"Why will he hear again?" Mavi inquired again.

"Yeah hopefully if we can raise enough money for him." Joe couldn't help but sigh worried that they wouldn't raise enough money so he wasn't able to have the operation. They all just wanted him to be happy and he clearly wasn't happy at the moment not being able to understand the people around him.


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