Bdubs x Impulse - Sleep

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Bdubs yawned, stretching his arms above his head before going to find his boyfriend, Impulse. He'd had a small crush on the imp for a while now, and finding out that they were soulmates was one of the most exciting things to ever happen to him. His now boyfriend had invited him to spend the night at his house, and of course Bdubs had accepted.

"Ah, there you are!" Bdubs grinned, wrapping his arms around the taller man. Impulse chuckled softly, hugging him back and letting his hands tangle in Bdubs' hair.
"It's getting kind of late, when do you usually go to bed?" The short brunette asked, pulling back from the hug.
"Just whenever I've finished working usually. There's technically still stuff I need to do but I think it can wait today," He smiled, kicking his shoes off and taking Bdubs to their now shared bedroom.

"Ah. I didn't think about this." Impulse said, opening the bedroom door and realising that he didn't have an extra bed. "Okay, you go get changed, I'll see if I have a spare bed lying around,"
Bdubs nodded, taking his clothes and going to the bathroom, as Impulse went to rummage through his chests.

After a minute or two, the short brunette finished getting changed and went to sit on Impulse's bed, chatting to him as the imp continued to look through his storage.
"How do I seriously not have anything spare for a bed?" He muttered, re-opening a few chests. He straightened up, stretching his back and turning to Bdubs.
"So, uh, I have nothing," Impulse laughed nervously, "I can go over to a neighbour's house, maybe Tango, he isn't too far from here, ask for some materials, see if he has anything spare?"

Bdubs yawned, tiredness starting to take over as it got later into the night.
"Mm, ya could if you want. Or you could just sleep here," He patted the spot next to him on the bed.

The taller brunette felt his face heat up a little. Was Bdubs suggesting that they shared a bed? And a small one at that, it was only really big enough for one person. He wasn't going to complain though, he loved being close to Bdubs.

"Um- if that's okay with you?" Bdubs added quickly, starting to worry he was being too forward. "If you're comfortable, I'm comfortable, 'dubs," Impulse smiled, noticing how his partner blushed at the nickname. The imp went to change, and Bdubs shuffled back on the bed, leaving as much space as he could for his partner.

"You're so handsome," The shorter brunette whispered as Impulse walked back into the room. This was the first time he'd ever seen Impulse in anything that wasn't his regular day clothes, and although it was just pyjamas Bdubs couldn't help but think he was more handsome than ever. Impulse blushed, sitting next to his partner on the bed and pulling him closer, kissing him on the forehead, and noticing how Bdubs blushed, began to plant soft kisses all over his face, ending with a quick kiss on the lips. Bdubs pushed his face into his hands, blushing heavily.
"Are we going to sleep ot not, idiot?" He smiled, looking back up at his partner.
"Ah, sorry, sorry," The imp chuckled, moving to lie down under the blanket. He felt the shorter brunette shuffle back towards him slightly, prompting Impulse to put an arm around his waist, resting his head on his partner's back, just below his shoulders.

"G'night Impy,"
"Night Bdubs,"

The imp felt Bdubs' breathing slow down and his heart beat begin to relax. And, when he was sure his boyfriend was asleep, he whispered into the darkness again.

"I love you,"

"Love you too,"

It was mumbled and obscured by the pillow Bdubs was hugging, but there it was. Impulse smiled, drifting off to sleep himself.

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648 words above the line

Just a short fluff chapter to keep my motivation going. I absolutely love this ship so don't expect this to be the last clock duo oneshot!

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