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I sat in front of the roses and cried. I never wanted Vox to know I liked him. He's my Boss's Boss for hell's sake!

"Why the frown sweetie?" Lucifer placed a hand on my shoulder comfortingly. "Alastor slipped up with his words and now Vox knows I like him. I'm scared to face him again. He's my Boss's boss." I look at him through my teary eyes. "Well that's not very good. The worst thing that can happen is he says no." Lucifer smiles. "HE CAN FIRE ME" I yell turning to Lucifer. I glance behind him to see Vox leaning in the doorway. "Of fuck me..." I attempted to teleport again but failed miserably. "I'll let you two talk..." Lucifer walks back into the palace. Vox walks up to me and stands looking down at me still on the floor. I look away, out into the gorgeous night sky. "Just gonna ignore me?" Vox speaks up, breaking the needed silence. "I-" I snapped out of my head and focused on talking to Vox and telling him what he wanted me to say.

"It's true" I spoke quietly as if not to wake someone up, and that someone being my tears. "I know that. You wouldn't have run out here sobbing if it wasn't" Vox laughed. I turned back to him and gave a small laugh. "How about we go back inside, grab Vell and Val and head home?" Vox sighs and holds his hand out to help me up. "Ya, okay. I should get some rest before my 2 outings tomorrow." I took his hand and he pulled me up, releasing my hand.

We walked in and Alastor came up to me and apologized. I accepted because he didn't mean to and it's the radio demon. How can I be mad?

(On the way to the Vs penthouse)
All 4 of us got in the limo and Vell texted me.

Vell- Girl what happened? I saw Vox walk out to the Garden and come back with you!

I explained what happened. She wasn't surprised by it at all. She didn't know I liked him. No one did except for Alastor. He was the only one.

We walked inside and Vell and Val went straight to bed. Me and Val have gotten close. His nickname for me is Baby Girl. He says it fits because of how short I am. I'm just barely shorter than Vellvette.
"I'm heading to bed Baby Girl. Night maybe if you're not too bitchy I'll make you breakfast!" Val calls from the top of the stairs. "BET!" I yelled, smiling. Val waves me goodnight. I haven't seen Vox since we got home. He probably already went to bed.

I walked into the kitchen and took one of Val's bottles of wine and a glass. He told me I could drink one if I wanted and tonight I wanted to remember nothing. I sat in the living room, with my wine. I was half way through the bottle when I heard a door from the upstairs open. Vox walked down the stairs. No shirt, gray sweatpants.
He saw me drinking and rolled his eyes. "How drunk are you?" Vox asked quietly, not to wake the others. "Not at all. This is only my 4 glass of wine and I'm not lightweight."

He sat down at the coffee table across from me and took my glass out of my hand. "No more" I rolled my eyes. "Well if you were in my situation you would want to drink a whole bottle too!" "Just relax. Please get some sleep. We can talk in the morning but you need sleep." Vox asked, handing my glass back to me. "I'm getting drunk whether you like it or not." I said drinking from the bottle.

I finished it and tossed it. "Ughhh why can't I just get drunk!!!!!" I toss my head back in anger. Vox walks off to get something. He comes back with a bottle of Vodka. "Here, drink this. You can have the rest." It was half way and I knew it was what I needed. "Thank you Vox." I smiled and walked off to get me some lemonade. When he came back I was halfway through the half bottle. "Damn girl, you can drink." Vox smiled. "What~?I don't know what you're talking about Voxxyyyyyy" I started slurring my words and flirting with Vox.

Vox just smiled and smiled at my drunk comments.

I woke up somewhere completely new. I was in someone's room but it wasn't mine at the Vees house , it wasn't Vellvettes and it definitely wasn't Val's. There was only one person left...

The little Radio Demon is one of the vees? (Vox x OC) Where stories live. Discover now