The... Discovery...

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(Vic's POV)

I woke up to a light shake. "Come eat! You need food! It's only 9:30 but Val cooked so come down and eat, stretch and get some more rest." Vellvette dragged me out of bed. I heard Vox streaming a podcast a few rooms down. I sat down while Val served breakfast. "Thank you Val!" I said while eating the pancakes first. "No problem babe" Val smiles.

That was a great day to start my day. I was stretching out in my room. I sent a message to Vaggie to see if she would fight against me for a bit for training. Of course she said yes. Welllll not really. Charlie begged her to sooooo.

We met up outside the hotel. She won a few and I won some too. It was amazing practice. I wonder how she mastered the art of an angel..... I wonder if... No! She would have said something!

I went back to Vs house and ate lunch before going back to bed until 5:30. Val brough be dinner in bed. It was amazing once again. And when i say this moth i mean man can cook this mo- man can cook 🤣🤣(I had to sorry...) Vox came to wake me up to get me ready for my fight. We normally meet at 11pm - 12am the next day.

"Hey, it's time to get ready." Vox walks in and sits on the edge of my bed waking me. " I can't express how excited I am!!!! "I got up and jumped around. " Alright.... Hey. I ummm I wish you luck and don't die twice." He said awkwardly. He looked... Off. He left without a second glance.

I got dressed in a black and white sports bra and black tight leggings. I wore a leather jacket just until I got there. Jackets interfere with your swing. I grabbed my guns and my swords. I put on some headphones to listen to music on my way there. I went down stairs and Vox was waiting and I assumed he was driving me.

"Vox. I want to tell you something. Well a few things. 1st I'm getting picked up so you don't have to take me. 2nd I just want to say thank you for caring about me. You showed that you like me from day one and you never let it down. Lastly, In case I don't make it tonight I just want to say..." I took a deep breath" I love you Vox." His face looked confused but it softened and I hugged him quickly before I heard a beep of a car outside. I kiss him on the cheek? Screen? You know what I mean, and ran out to cherris car. Angel's already in the passenger so I hop in the back. When I say we were talking shit. We were talking shit. Name dropping and everything!

We got there and I introduced everyone and we talked, had one shot and called one person each to tell them we love them. I called Vox. Just to make sure he was okay.

(The call)
Hey Vic Need something? -Vox

No, just making my last call to you to make sure you 're okay because I know I put a lot on you and left. -Vic

Oh. Ya I'm alright. I'm glad you told me. Good luck tonight. Please don't get hurt badly. -Vox

I can't promise anything!!!!!(I laughed) -Vic
The conversation continued for a few minutes before we had to go to our "battle ground"

It wasn't long before dozens of Angels were flying straight towards the 13 of us, got ready and started fighting. Soon Angels started flying away, clearly down with our shit.

I started fighting against this one angel who I knew as Lute. We were going back and forth. I ran out of ammonium so I was stuck with just my swords.

We only had one hour left to keep this up. Lute gave up and went to go kill people. 6 angels flew at me and I took one quick swing and scared them off. One came at me from behind and I cut the head off. "WHAT THE FUCK! I FUCKING KILLED HER!" I screamed bloody hell and all the angels started leaving. I didn't know Angels could...Die! Everyone looked at the metallic silver on my sword and silver bleeding from my head. "I - don't feel we-"

Blackness was the last thing I saw.

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