Last day before it all went down

24 2 18

I shot up to see Vox sitting next to me. I didn't have my dress on but a baggy shirt with my leggings I was wearing with my dress. I frantically look around the room and see my dress , on a hanger, hanging from a bookshelf. Oh my god.... "Relax. Nothing happened. I just carried you here with me because 1 you were all over me and 2 you threw up like 3 times." Vox said without looking at me. He was still in his sweatpants from the night before

"Ughhhh" I started to not feel good again. "Val made food, go get something in your stomach. You drank on an empty stomach sweetheart, you're in for a long day. Honestly you should stay here." Vox got up and walked downstairs with me. "What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my head."Only 6:30" Vox says, checking his watch."Good, I still have time to go to the hotel." A sigh of relief left my body. "Why would you want to go there?" I explained the whole fighting thing to him.... Again....

(Vox pov)

(Vic's pov)
He looks pissed...

I'm not letting them down.. I have too.

I sat down at the table and ate breakfast that Val made. (Valentino isn't a bitch in this. He's nice to Angel! Just like a normal coworker!) Holy shit can Valentino cook!He's like a 5 star chef!!!

"10/10 5 Stars! That was amazing, Val!" I smiled and hugged him. "Glad you enjoyed it Baby. Now go get ready! I'm dropping you off at the hotel and we are going to dinner tonight, us Vees. At like 6-7. I'll keep you posted Baby. Now go! We are leaving in 30!" Val said with his cocky attitude like always and I ran out with a smile.

I ran upstairs and wore one of my comfortable, casual clothes. I have a tight black shirt, with a wide neck cut, a small chain, and flowy orange pants. I curled my hair and pulled it back into a high ponytail. I look amazing. U walked downstairs to see all the Vees waiting to drop me off. They had an interview to do. Since I'm not an official Vee yet. I don't get to go :( That's okay though! I get to see my friends and family so it's worth it.

We get in the car and Vox is still visibly pissed. "Vox? Everything alright?" I asked slowly, not wanting him to explode himself. "I'm fine. I just don't want to go to this interview." I knew that was a lie the second it came out his mouth but decided on not saying anything.

"Well we're here. I'll see you guys later. I will be practicing, stretching and sleeping all day. I have a long day ahead. Goodbye guys." I hugged Val and Vell and I went to hug Vox but he look away so I just pulled back and got out.

"VICTORIA!!!!" Charlie practically jumps down the stairs as I walk in. "Hey there Charlie!" I squeak out as she squeezes me tightly.

Hanging out with her and the rest of the hotel was amazing, especially seeing Alastor. We went shopping, I had a few drinks with Husk, practiced some fighting with Vaggie, danced a bit with Angel, vented to Charlie, killed some bugs with Nift, and Alastor taught me how to properly teleport! It was an amazing day, and that's when I heard my phone go off. It was Val. "Hello!" I said happily, walking outside, not to disturb anyone else. "Hey baby girl, we're going to dinner at 6:30, want to come? We can come over and get you! Don't feel like you have to!" Val said sweetly and charmingly. "Ya! I would love to, Butttt no need to pick me up! I have a surprise!!!! Let me know when you arrive!" I said with a grin that I knew he couldn't see. "Whatever you say Babes. See ya!" And he hung up.

I walked back inside and hung out for a while longer before Vellvette texted that they made it.

I said my goodbyes and they all wished me luck. Angel said he wanted to join with one of his friends, Cherri Bomb and we are going to need all the help we can get. Of course I said yes.

I teleported to the restaurant they were at and they all smiled and congratulated me for learning how to control it and use it properly and not by accident.

The night went fast. They convinced me to stay home with them so they make sure I eat what I need and get plenty of rest for my 24 hour battle. I was super excited

(Vox pov)
I'm fucking terrified for her. Something's going to happen, I know it.

The little Radio Demon is one of the vees? (Vox x OC) Where stories live. Discover now