Chapter 87: Mylene

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(Three hundred and four thousand, six hundred and third Quantic Universe Earth, Paris, France, Saturday, May 7th, 2016, third person POV...)

As Marinette writes in her journal, she narrates, "Marinette's journal. Saturday, May 7th, 2016. Phew. Whoo-whee, I'm exhausted right now. I just spent the day creating an outfit from recycled materials for an ecological design competition organized by the school. I took some inspiration from a specific style I found in my Gabriel Agreste fashion book. Remember, journal, Mylene Haprele gave it to me for my fourteenth birthday weeks ago. And that was thoughtful of her to think of me to give that kind of present. I wish I can repay her with something environmentally and ecologically friendly for when her next birthday comes. I think I'll come up with something nice enough to make her smile brightly.

Who knows? Anyway, when it comes to Mylene, she's always there for her friends, she shows support in boundaries, particularly including the boundaries I've set up about someone tickling me or the boundaries I've set up about asking personal questions about the original timeline that my advanced intellect and mind and spirit come from, and she's always there for her father, Fred Haprele. She's his biggest fan, and to me, that's endearing and a rare commodity these days. Besides that, she and Ivan make such an adorable couple in our school. They really compliment each other. Mylene always looks for the best in others. Even Chloe's original bratty self from the primary timeline that the both of us in spirit, mind, and intellect come from. If it were me way back when, I would've used my intellect and the footage of Chloe, Felix, Tomoe, Lila, Gabriel, and Nathalie's various crimes to show Mylene that those like Chloe's original self, Felix before the end of his Red Moon plan, Nathalie in the hours before her death, Tomoe Tsurugi, Gabriel Agreste, and Lila Rossi are irredeemable, and no matter Mylene's beliefs, not even Gabriel, Tomoe, and Lila want to change and that by doing nothing to stop them, we're only allowing their criminal records and the number of civilian casualties to continue to grow.

Now, it's true that Mylene gets scared easily sometimes, and she lacks confidence, but she's working on it, slowly but surely. Above all else, when something matters to her the most, she forgets her fears. This reminds me, I gotta get going. Mayor Bourgeois wants to launch a program which will send all human garbage into space. But Mylene and Chloe aren't having any of it; Mylene organized a protest at City Hall and asked all of her friends to be there with her. Can't say I want to decline. Maybe someday, she'll become Mayor of Paris. Though I did say that already in the original timeline, and this time around, Chloe intends to legitimately become Mayor of Paris when she comes of age thanks to her foreknowledge and thanks to her no longer being an Anti-Christ level supervillain slash antihero, thanks to Thomas Astruc.

And I know I said that Mylene would get my vote for when she runs for Mayor, but now I'm torn between who I want to vote for: Chloe or Mylene. Eh, I'll figure it out when we arrive at that point in time in the future. Goodbye for now, journal. Signing off."

Marinette then double-checks her Foreknowledge Calendar and says, "Hoo, boy. Up next is Marc as Reverser. I hope neither I nor Adrien end up affected by his paper airplanes again."

Tikki asks, "And what did the Birds say about the whole incident partially being your own fault?"

Marinette answers, "In hindsight, that was one of the stupidest decisions I've ever made in my life in the original timelines. And since there's a punishment system that the Birds claim only applies to me and our teammates for any time we disobey their orders or act exactly like our canonical selves in accordance with the original chronological order of our Quantic Multiverse's toxic status quo, suffice to say I'd rather not find out how far the punishments actually go."

Tikki shudders in agreement.

Marinette then gets to work on her new engineering piece, which is a Do It Yourself Solar Charger for her work laptop.

After fifteen minutes, partially thanks to her years of experience without needing to use her powers, Marinette finishes the project.

Tikki asks, "So, what engineering project of 21st century modern technology is this?"

Marinette answers, "This is the DIY, or Do It Yourself, version of a solar charger for a desk laptop, the solar charger being what it is: a charger that runs on sunlight power."

Tikki looks fascinated, and she asks, "So, this is among the things that modern humans learned about solar power technology in the 21st century?"

Marinette answers, "Among hundreds to thousands of other types of such inventions, yes."

Tikki remarks, "This is just as exciting as you humans discovering electricity and girls being allowed to wear pants."

Marinette replies, "And being a superhero in real life with healthy communication skills, trust, and a support system among other good things is way more fun than watching superhero films about already-existing comic book superheroes in different forms over the course of the 1970s to the 2010s over and over again."

Tikki giggles at this.

The End.

(Author's notes: See you all in chapter 88: Reverser Not.)

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