Chapter 1-10

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Chapter 1: Tedious Summer Vacation

After the tense exams, classmates gradually left the school, either returning home or engaging in holiday activities. Linglong was also arranged by her family to work as a waitress in a restaurant.

The service job was both tiring and monotonous, with low wages. Linglong felt disheartened, thinking about the English words she had planned to memorize and her weight loss goals at the beginning of the summer vacation. She hadn't memorized a single English word during the holidays and ate voraciously every day without any thoughts of losing weight. Not to mention the ambitious goals she had set when she first entered university, which seemed to fade away with each passing day.

Linglong complained, "I don't want to be like this. I went to a second-rate university, my academic performance is not good, and finding a job in the future will be a problem. Although I have plenty of time, I rarely have the opportunity to travel. Now I have to take the English CET-4 exam, but I can't remember the English words."

"I also came from university. Look at you now, just playing with your phone and complaining about everything. You're a giant in thought but a dwarf in action," the teacher said with a hint of disappointment.

Linglong spread her hands in frustration. "I don't want to be like this either. I want to change, but I can't control myself."

"Think about it yourself!"

Yes, this is not acceptable. Do I want to live like this? I want a boyfriend, I want to win scholarships, I want to travel around the world, I want to design clothes myself, but I spend every day on my phone, staying in my dorm room, aimless and without ambition. No, this is not acceptable. You must do something! In the midst of intense mental struggle, Linglong fell into a deep sleep.

(End of Chapter 1)

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Chapter 2 Crossing the Beast World

"It's so cold!" Linglong muttered unconsciously, curling up tighter, but it was getting colder. Reluctantly, Linglong forced herself to open her eyes.

Surrounded by silence, the sound of insects came from the grass, and the world under the moonlight was calm and harmonious.

Linglong hugged her legs and stared blankly, suddenly startled. "Wasn't I sleeping in bed? Where am I? Maybe I'm still asleep, I'll try to sleep again."

But no matter how she tossed and turned, she couldn't fall asleep. Looking around, it was still pitch black. Linglong gradually began to feel uneasy and shouted louder and louder, "Is anyone there?" This continued until dawn.

The morning grassland was covered in mist, with dewdrops glistening on the grass blades. Linglong walked barefoot through the grass, her skirt wet from the dew. She looked around anxiously and helplessly crouched down.

A sturdy silver wolf approached her, sniffing around her body, occasionally nudging her. Linglong was terrified. This creature, usually only seen in zoos, was now in front of her. She didn't dare to move, afraid of angering it, with her eyes closed tightly and her body trembling.

"What a beautiful female! She's perfect. Her skin is so white, like clouds in the sky, so tender and white. She's so small, just right for cuddling to sleep. Oh my, am I hallucinating?"

Wolf Tian stared at Linglong intently, afraid that this sudden appearance of the female would disappear.

After a long time of silence, Linglong cautiously opened her eyes and saw the half-height silver wolf crouching on the ground, alertly watching her, its ears standing upright.

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