Chapter 11-30

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Chapter 11 Building a Cave (Part 4)

"Linglong, what doll? Is it as handsome as me? Is it as comfortable to hug as me?"

"No, no."

Linglong waved her hand, hurriedly explaining that even the best doll couldn't compare to being hugged by a real person, especially in winter when having a natural furnace like Wolf Tian was pure bliss.

Wolf Tian still held on, glaring at Linglong.

"Is it more comfortable to hug me or the doll?"

Linglong smiled pleasingly, "Of course, it's more comfortable to hug you!"

Wolf Tian looked down at his arm held by Linglong, his heart bursting with joy. He looked at Linglong seriously.

"Then will you still hug the doll in the future?"


"Will you still hug anyone else?"


"Will you still hug me in the future?"


Wolf Tian glared at Linglong fiercely, as if she would eat her if she said something unsatisfactory. Linglong shivered, regardless of what she was saying, she quickly changed her tune.

"I'll hug you, only you, just you, hugging you is the most comfortable, okay!"

Linglong blurted out as if venting her frustration.


Linglong realized what she had said and covered her mouth in embarrassment.

Wolf Tian looked at Linglong haughtily.

"Linglong, you said it yourself, you can only hug me from now on."

"Darn it, who was that arrogant man just now? How could he change his face so quickly, so disappointing." Linglong covered her face, roaring in her mind.

"Where's the water? I want to wash my face."

Linglong looked around but didn't see any basin or anything. In the cave, besides the fire pit from yesterday and the hay she slept on, there was nothing else.

"I'll take you to the river to wash your face."

Wolf Tian didn't see any problem with the cave being empty. Other people's caves in the tribe were like this too. If there were too many things in the cave, they would be mocked by others!

"Okay, what are we eating for breakfast?"

"I'll go check the forest."

Linglong's eyes lit up.

"I want to go with you."

Wolf Tian looked indulgently at Linglong.


With a female companion by his side, everything felt meaningful and exciting. In fact, spending the rest of his life together, growing old together, wasn't a bad idea at all.

Wolf Tian envisioned the future with Linglong in his mind.

Thinking that the cave had nothing, and not being able to find a way back home temporarily, Linglong wanted to decorate the cave, making it comfortable for herself and to repay Wolf Tian's kindness.

Along the way, Linglong was excitedly imagining the transformation of the cave.

"Wolf Tian, Wolf Tian, I want to renovate the cave, do you agree?"

Linglong pouted and acted cute towards Wolf Tian.

Wolf Tian waved his hand like a shopkeeper and said, "It's up to you, do whatever you want, just don't tire yourself out."

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