Shizuka's insecurities

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Shizuka sits on her bed and thoughts about the kiss from last night race through her mind

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Shizuka sits on her bed and thoughts about the kiss from last night race through her mind. She cannot believe how masculine I was during that moment and this makes her go bright red. Despite her being a second year student and my senpai, and me being a first year student, our love for each other is undeniable.

Since middle school, I remember being in love with Shizuka. So for us to finally get together in high school, my heart is racing. Shizuka has so many insecurities that I now know about. Firstly, she hates all forms of bugs and always runs away whenever she is in the same room as a cicada.

The second and final thing about her, she hates salmon and only eats the sushi in the bento that I make for her. Anytime she eats in her taste buds feel like they are exploding, and she always cries out: "Yuma is the best boyfriend, I love you babe!"

Despite the fact that Shizuka is a second year high school student and I am a first-year high school student, the other students do not find our relationship weird. They always see us staring at each other from across the hallway. When Shizuka and I cross paths, time seems to stand still.

Shizuka and I sit on her bed, looking deep into each other's eyes. It feels like she is looking directly into my soul. I place my hand on her face and slowly lean in to kiss her. She turns bright red upon realizing what I am trying to do and her mind starts racing. When our lips meet, her eyes widen.

Despite being together for over a month, we are still unsure of where our relationship as a romantic couple stands. It is at this moment when Shizuka's sister: Kadoma, comes into the room. She sees us in the middle of kissing and her face goes bright red as she looks at us being intimate with each other. It is important to note that Kadoma is the same age as me.

"You guys, stop being all over each other, it's embarrassing!" Kadoma cries

"We're in love, isn't that normal?" Shizuka asks

"I'm not saying it's not normal, but you are doing it right in front of me." Kadoma says

Shizuka and I exchange a knowing look, both of us feeling a sense of contentment and happiness in each other's presence. Despite the occasional teasing from Kadoma, we know that our love for each other is strong and unwavering.

As we continue to navigate the ups and downs of high school life together, Shizuka and I find solace in each other's company. Our love story may have started with a simple kiss on her bed, but it has blossomed into something deeper and more meaningful than we could have ever imagined. And as we face the challenges and joys of young love, we know that we will always have each other to lean on.

Our relationship is built on trust, understanding, and a shared desire to support and uplift one another. We have become each other's biggest cheerleaders, celebrating each other's successes and comforting each other during moments of doubt or disappointment.

Shizuka's presence in my life has brought a newfound sense of purpose and joy. She inspires me to be the best version of myself, pushing me to pursue my passions and dreams. Together, we navigate the complexities of teenage life, offering each other guidance and a shoulder to lean on when things become overwhelming.

But it's not all smooth sailing. Like any relationship, we face our fair share of challenges. We argue, we disagree, and we sometimes struggle to find common ground. However, what sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to work through these obstacles together. We communicate openly and honestly, always striving to understand each other's perspectives and find a compromise that strengthens our bond.

Our love story is not without its fair share of romantic gestures and heartfelt moments. From surprise dates to handwritten love letters, we constantly find ways to show our affection and appreciation for one another. But it's the small, everyday acts of love that truly make our relationship special. Whether it's a warm hug after a long day or a simple "I love you" whispered before bed, these gestures remind us of the deep connection we share.

As we navigate the challenges of high school and prepare for the uncertainties of the future, we know that our love will continue to grow and evolve. We are excited to see where life takes us, confident that as long as we have each other, we can conquer anything that comes our way.

So, as Kadoma playfully teases us, we can't help but smile, knowing that our love is strong and unbreakable. Together, we face the world, hand in hand, ready to take on whatever comes our way.

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