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I walk out of my room in the morning, dressed in a gray skin-tight turtleneck long sleeve, black leggings, my brown leather vest, and my knee-high brown boots

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I walk out of my room in the morning, dressed in a gray skin-tight turtleneck long sleeve, black leggings, my brown leather vest, and my knee-high brown boots. My hair is done up simply in a tight bun, which took way longer than it should have.

My room is two down from Violet's, where she exit's her room as well. Sawyer walks out of Rhiannon's room across from her's, and I raise my eyebrows as his gaze darts between Violet and I, his cheeks heating.

"Good morning." Violet gives him a grin as he awkwardly runs a hand over the back of his neck, smiling slightly.

"Violet," he mumbles, before heading my way. "Ria." I nod to him back, grinning, before going to meet Violet to wait for Rhiannon.

She smiles as soon as she sees us standing outside her door. "No more breakfast duty today?" she asks, and we shake our heads.

"I was told last night that the less desirable duties were being handed off to the unbonded so our energy can be redirected for flight lessons," Violet explains.

"One more reason for the unbonded to hate us," Rhiannon mutters as we start to walk down the hall.

"So," Violet starts, grinning from ear to ear. "Sawyer, huh, Rhi?"

Rhiannon shrugs, smiling widely as well. "I felt like celebrating." She then eyes us narrowly, her gaze flicking between us. "And why haven't I heard of you two celebrating?"

I shrug, looking away, as Violet says, "I haven't found anyone I want to celebrate with."

I think back to last night. My conversation with Liam had played over and over again in my head—not the words exactly, but the way he had been looking at me. I could see his beautiful blue eyes even in the dark, and it was as if I was the only person in his world.

I could still vividly remember his breath on my ear, the way his voice lowered that made me get full body shivers. I shake the thought away. Ridiculous.

I hone back into what Rhiannon is saying. " regulation, and it's not like any of us are guaranteed to live through the day." From the snippets I vaguely remember hearing, I can discern that they're talking about Violet's moment with Dain—which I was not present for.

"Solid points." Violet sighs. "But it''s not like that with us. I'd always hoped it would be, but when he kissed me—there was nothing there. Like, nothing." I can hear the blatant disappointment in her voice, and I reach out and awkwardly pat her shoulder.

"There, there," I say, trying to lighten the mood. "He's an asshole anyways."

Violet gives me a look, which Rhiannon mirrors from beside her, and I shrug. "What?" I put my hands up in defense. "Am I wrong?"

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