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Liam and I spend the rest of the night curled on my bed, stealing kisses and looking through my sketchbook

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Liam and I spend the rest of the night curled on my bed, stealing kisses and looking through my sketchbook. We talked about our families and our lives before the Riders before I eventually fell asleep against his chest.

Neither of us having chore duty or classes that morning, we decided to skip breakfast and stay in my room until lunch, lazing about. Finally, Saoghal decided that she was going to scold me for being a 'lovestruck child and disregarding all of my duties' even when I told her I didn't have any duties until after lunch.

I get dressed in my regular clothing while Liam heads back to his room to change into fresh clothes as well. I meet him outside of his door, and we walk to lunch together. We make sure to untangle our hands before we step into the gathering hall, and I give him a smile and wave goodbye as I walk over to my squad.

No one had seen me walk in with Liam other than Rhiannon, and she moves over to me immediately when I sit down, whispering so as not to interrupt Ridoc's story. "I see there has been progress?" she wiggles her eyebrows at me, and I have to fight back my smile. "Considering you haven't been here all morning?"

"Congratulations on your signet, Sawyer," I say instead, and he gives me a smile that looks more like a grimace as he looks back at his fork.

Rhiannon groans loudly and nudges my shoulder. "C'mon, Ria!" she hisses.

I roll my eyes. "Fine," I mutter. She squeals excitedly. "It wasn't really anything, honestly. I kissed him and then he stayed the night and we talked a little." No, that wasn't right. "I mean, a lot. Oh, and he made me a little sculpture out of wood."

"Oh my gods, Ria!" Rhiannon grins at me broadly. "That is adorable. I was wondering where you were all morning." I smile as I reach over and grab a piece of turkey off of Violet's plate. She lets out a mild sound of protest, but I think it was more for Imogen's sake, considering the scary pink-haired second year sat across from my friend, demanding she eat something.

Rhiannon returns back to her seat, grinning at me like an idiot whenever she catches me looking over to where Liam sits with his squad. "I like flight classes better in the morning," Rhiannon says, inserting herself back into the conversation. "It's way worse when we've eaten breakfast and lunch."

"Agreed," Violet mumbles around a mouthful of turkey. She eyes Imogen as the woman stands up.

"Finish the turkey," the pink-haired rider orders as she and Quinn start to walk away. "I'll se you tonight."

"Is she any nicer when she's training you?" Rhiannon asks as we watch the pair of third-years walk away.

"No," Violet admits as she finishes her turkey, per Imogen's instructions. "But she's efficient. What's Professor Carr like?" She angles the last question toward's Sawyer

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