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We come in close behind Tairn, who soars directly after Kaori. I don't mind being in the front, considering that several of the cadets behind me will probably fall to their deaths. I don't need to see that. Besides, if I'm the one falling to my death, I won't be alive long enough to care about who saw it.

We soar further into the mountains, heading out of the canyon. I grip the spike in front of me tightly. "If you pull any more of that whole diving full speed shit again, I swear, I will kill you," I swear to Saoghal as she banks right, following Tairn's lead. I nearly slide off the side, but I manage to pull myself upright, muscles straining with the effort.

"Please, child. You managed to hang on the first time. You are fine."

"I am not a child!" I grit my teeth as Saoghal follows Kaori and Violet as they head downwards into an infinitely less intense version of the one my dragon decided to go do during Threshing.

"When you have lived as long as I have," Saoghal growls, "twenty is a child. You have no idea how young everything is when you are one hundred years old."

"Damn, should I start calling you great grandmother?"

Saoghal responds with a hard turn to the left as Kaori smoothly banks ahead of us, and this time, I actually do slip off the side. "If you fall, child, I'm not sure these old grandmother bones would be able to catch you," Saoghal hisses at me. I let out a yelp as I'm left dangling off of her side, my grip on the spike slowly slipping.

"I'm sorry!" I scream through the bond. "Please don't let me die! I'll love you forever and ever and I'll never call you grandmother again. I'm a child, right? I have my whole life ahe–shit!" My grip finally falters when she turns again, and I swear I hear her huff a breath of annoyance as I scramble for something to hang onto.

Saoghal's annoyingly slippery scales offer no handhold's for me to latch onto, and then I'm in freefall.

I don't even have time to start screaming before I land with a thud in her talons. "You're welcome."

"Oh my gods," I pant. "Thank you! Thank you so, so much! Means a lot to, you know, my well being and all." Saoghal huffs something that I can only describe as what might be a chuckle as she tosses me up into the air. I immediately latch onto the spike in front of me again, and remind myself to never upset my dragon while flying ever again.

. . .

After dinner, I make my way back to my room, my muscles aching from the strain of staying on Saoghal that day as we went through several what she called "simple maneuvers", twisting and turning and diving and repeat. She had been awfully elusive and vague when I had asked her how she knew all these anyway, being forbidden from bonding and all.

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