32} Figured (NSFW) ⚠️

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[Siony's pov]

the light of the moon shined off his skin, his hair, then his clothes. without thinking, I closely watched his eyes blink slowly, his hands buried in his pockets, the way his figure moved when he walked into my bedroom from the creaking balcony door.

I shut the balcony door closed, and the cold wind stopped blowing inside. as the air started to get warm again, things were about to get real.

I had a modernized human record player singing a song on top of my tall brown shelf filled with books, it was playing a disco song that had a nice beat. the lyrics were in english, I couldn't understand what was being played but it sounded beautiful. the volume of it wasn't loud enough to muffle any voices, but deafened the silence between me and Zelos and made it so no one could hear us from the outside. all of it carefully planned, if mother or Claudius caught us he then me would be skinned alive.

Zelos was looking around my room in great detail. "it's fuckin' warm in here."

I listened to the sound of his voice, his Autumerian accent...I wanted to make it scream. his back was facing me, but the shape of his jaw, his hands, his eyes, his hard and pale features were committed to memory.

"hey. what are you looking around for? this isn't a museum." I stood over next to him and pulled down his hood rapidly.

his head bent backwards a bit from the action, and the fluffiness of his hair escaped from the hood. Zelos brushed his gorgeous blue hair back with one hand, but continued to stare around my room. right, I guess he isn't used to big spaces like this. I have more stuff in my room than he has ever owned.

Zelos glanced at the piano against the wall, then at my violin and bow rested on its stand. cold house floor, but nicely woven tapestries rested everywhere made of red and gold. two lamps on two nightstands at either side of my bed. my bed had a giant canopy draped over it, dark purplish red. a miniature couch that opens for storage at the foot of the bed. a working space with a big desk and rolling chair. so many bookshelves filled with everything and anything. lots of homework, school supplies, practically everywhere...I guess Zelos never noticed the first time when he was here. at that time though, I guess we weren't anything enough for him to care.

"you play violin?" he finally looked at me.

"I'm a Hellona, I've got to be good at an instrument or two." I smiled as I glanced at my violin.

"play me something."
"what? you said you were good"
"we already have music."
"you saw me play guitar before."
"no, my mother and brother are home!! maybe next time..."

"oh...? next time?" Zelos walked further into my room, and wrapped his arms around one of the pillars on my bed. "what the fuck's this curtainy thing on your bed?" he started messing with the curtains of the canopy.

I followed him further into the room. "what are you doing?" I shook my head, then scoffed with a smile. "it's a canopy. nice isn't it?" this guy...

our eyes met.

his head tilted to the side and his lips parted slightly. his arms wrapped around the bed pillar and he hugged it with his body. I fidgeted with the hair tie on my wrist. we were on opposite sides of the bed already, like we were going to get on it.

I noticed a few bruises over his face, and some small bandages both nothing changed how handsome he looked. I guess I didn't look closely enough because I was so buried in the idea that Zelos is in my room right now. He looks so much like a thug the bruises blend right into his face like camouflage. The marks on his skin looked new, I was a bit concerned but I didn't feel like asking him because he might get upset about it. I just hope Claudius didn't do anything again—

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