22) party preps and gossip

651 31 2

After Singapour gp


Gridmum: hey guys good job it was a wonderful race

Milk boy: let's go carlooooooos!!!
You won!!!!

Chilli 🌶️: thanks muppet but don't forget you were on the podium too

Milk boy: p1-2 for Carlando!

Gridmum: and well done Lewis for the podium too

Sir Lewis: thanks

Britney: still surprising with the car you got

Sir Lewis: shut up Britney

Facts: it's no that bad

Banana: let's go! Ferrari did great this weekend

Little lion 🦁: finally they didn't fucked up

Chilli 🌶️: it's a goddman miracle

Little lion 🦁: yeah I finally had a bit of competition
@charlie maybe we'll share a podium next week

Banana: I hope so

Little lion 🦁: oh fuck wrong username

Milk boy: what do you mean wrong username

Banana: he probably just chose the wrong contact

Sir Lewis: Charlie? Are you....?

Little lion 🦁: No no! It's not like you

Banana: wow wow don't imagine things!

Tripod: 🤦

Master chef: ohhh Pear do you know something

Honey badger: I wanna know tell the gossip

Little lion 🦁: Pierre no.

Banana: Pierre no.

Master chef: come on pear you can tell us at least me

Tripod: one day mon ange one day my angel
I don't want them to kill me

Estie bestie: 👀

Lancelot: 👀

Master chef: but hey at least you got points for alpine!

Tripod: at least

K-mag: and one for haas

Hulk: let's go

Master chef: and well done Liam p9 on your third race

Kiwi 🥝: thanks



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