★ | #08 | train

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★ | #08 | train"you're something else, seong

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★ | #08 | train
"you're something else, seong."

.𖥔 ݁ ˖ nicole's radio station
is now playing...

everyone adores you matt maltese
"don't modify, every one adores you;
at least i do."


THE train ride was filled with many pretty views as she stared out the large glass pane she was seated next to, sinking back comfortably into the cushioned seats as she admired the way the sunlight cast a golden hue upon the treetops that they passed by.

It was peaceful, if it weren't for the familiar voice rambling on about his soccer team. Snapped out of her trance by a touch to her shoulder, she turned her head, eyes lingering over the owner of the subtle touch. “What?” She raised a brow.

“You keep zoning out every few minutes. What's on your mind?” Heeseung asked, tilting his head off to the side as Haewon narrowed her eyes, shaking her head.

“Nothing is on my mind.” The girl denied, brushing it off to be nothing as Heeseung huffed and rolled his eyes.

“Oh, come on. Since you're clearly so lost in thought to listen to me, tell me what's on your mind instead.” Heeseung beckoned on, as Haewon scoffed.

“Heeseung, you've already told me about the stuff you've been talking about.” She pointed out, as the boy pressed his lips together in a thin line and blinked.

“I— okay, wait, you're right.” The boy gave in, sighing as he came to the realization, too swept up in frustration with the way one of his teammates was acting selfishly to realize he had rambled to her about it already.

Haewon chuckled at his reaction, shaking her head off to the side. Heeseung smiled sarcastically, giving her an eye roll.

“Okay, but actually, what are you thinking about so strongly that you keep zoning out?” He asked, leaning back comfortably in his chair.

“I already told you, it's literally nothing. I'm just zoning out while looking at the scenery.” Haewon repeated with a snicker.

“Boring.” Heeseung uttered quietly, but loud enough for her to hear as she reached across the table booth they sat at to slap the top of his head lightly, as he grumbled in response.

“Oh, shut up. You're the boring one here. You literally make me study for hours on end. It's torture.” The girl groaned, brows furrowing as she closed her eyes at the mere thought.

“That's for the greater good! Do you want to graduate from high school, or not?” Heeseung defended himself with a small breath.

“I'm literally hanging on by a thread. Once exam season comes around, consider me a failure at that point.” Haewon sighed out, clicking her tongue.

“Don't be dramatic. You're smart, it's easy to see. Each study session we have, you do really well. You just need to put in continuous effort, okay? Instead of just guessing all of your answers.” He cooed, folding his arms over his chest.

“Continuous effort requires energy — something I do not have.” She mumbled, as Heeseung hummed in response.

“Start by actually going to sleep in a timely manner. Stop staying up late to read manhwa, or whatever. You can do that in the daytime.” He advised.

“I've tried! I just physically cannot get myself to sleep. It takes hours of tossing and turning to finally fall asleep, only to wake up a few minutes later.” Haewon complained, pursing her lips.

“It’ll take time for your body to adjust to the change in sleep schedules, which is why it's best for you to start now, rather than later in the school year when exams do start to come up.” Heeseung spoke up in a mumble.

“Mm, we'll see." Haewon let out, brushing her fingers through her hair as her eyes drifted to the window, watching plainly as the view came and went.

Silence wrapped around them, only the soft rumble of the train filling the area, along with the quiet murmurs of strangers in their own conversations.

“So,” She began, peering back over at her best friend, “where exactly do you plan to take me in the city?”

“Huh? I don't know.” The boy admitted, his shoulders rising before dropping back down in a shrug.

“You're telling me, you're taking me all the way to the city just for you to not have a plan?” Haewon questioned, tilting her head. “Sounds like fun.” She added on softly.

Heeseung laughed at her words, shaking his head. “You're something else, Seong.” He breathed out, referring to her as her last name, to which she snickered at.

“But, it's been a while since I've actually been out in the main parts of the city like this. So, I figured we'd just walk around for a little while and explore it.” He explained, earning a nod from the girl.

“Okay, okay. I like it.” Haewon said in approval, humming contently.

“But, the first stop is the post office. I want to pick up my mom's package first to assure that it's done before we fool around.” Heeseung informed.

“Alright, no worries. I respect your mother too much to disagree. Plus, it's best if we get the important stuff over with at the start so we don't have to be tied with responsibilities throughout the day.” The girl smiled, nodding along to her own words.

“Mhm, exactly.” Heeseung smiled, his tone of voice light in agreement before his attention focused on the window, his doe eyes taking in the sight.


★﹐authors corner .﹗﹑ 0.9k words
writing about getting more sleep when i literally wrote this at 1am last night when i couldn't sleep 🥰

guys wattpad crashed when i transferred this chapter from my docs to here brooo 😭🙏

anywayyy byee i love you all <3
march 8th, 2024 — 5:36pm.
not proofread.

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