★ | #68 | absence

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★ | #68 | absence"you've been distracted recently

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| #68 | absence
"you've been distracted recently."

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absence of you • grentperez
"i let you keep your distance, but i hated keeping mine."

SUNDAY and Monday passed by achingly slow, trapped in her bedroom all day from the moment she came home from school, claiming she was feeling a bit sick to ease the mind of her worrying mother.

Tuesday rolled around, and she and Heeseung had seemingly been avoiding each other, naivety getting in the way of confronting one another and speaking things through face to face.

Seong Haewon was hurting. Mentally, she meant. She stared down at her legs, covered by tights as she continued to hide the marks left over her skin, even after he found out.

Guilt and shame filled her mind, though she kept a stoic expression. Even whilst trapped in a classroom for the entirety of a lecture, forced to sit right beside him.

His head and eyes were trained forward or down at his desk the entire time, shoulders tense as it was clear there was unresolved tension lingering between them.

The girl wanted out, exhaustion apparent to anyone who knew her well enough. Her movements were sluggish, and reactions slow. Her brown eyes were half lidded, and a frown tugged subconsciously at her lips.

She wanted to go home, but even that was not enough to satisfy her completely. Anxiety nipped at her soul and heart with each passing second, inescapable unless trapped in a deep, dreamless slumber.

Too bad rest didn't come very easily, as her mind raced when left in silence for too long. She now found herself tossing and turning all night, unable to lose herself in the comfort of her slumber.

With her chin resting in the palm of her hand, arm propped up on her desk, she snapped herself out of her thoughts as the sharp sound of a water bottle dropping filled her ears.

She blinked, and class was over. Students gathering up their things and rushing out of the doors in hopes to make it to their lockers before the next bell rang.

Her eyes subconsciously drifted to the desk beside hers. His, more specifically. Only to find it to be empty, weighing her heart down further as she sighed deeply and pushed herself to her feet, gathering her belongings.

Meanwhile, Lee Heeseung was feeling awfully down. Since that day, he too had not been sleeping very well. He felt like the weight of the world had been placed over his shoulders.

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