★ | #32 | plan

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★ | #32 | plan"i'm confused

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★ | #32 | plan
"i'm confused. where is this going?"

.𖥔 ݁ ˖ nicole's radio station
is now playing...

dear reader taylor swift
"you don't have to answer, just 'cause
they asked you."


DID you really come all the way here just to give me medicine and water?” The girl asked, sitting on the floor beside her window as she watched the ongoing storm take place just outside.

“I mean, yeah. And to ask about that burn of yours. I noticed it last night, but you were too drunk to have a proper conversation with me.” Heeseung replied, standing at her desk as he zipped up his backpack, discarding it on the swivel chair at the desk.

Holding his books and pencil case, he carried it over to her before taking a seat on the floor next to her, setting his things out in front of them.

“But honestly, there was no point seeing as you're keeping the truth to yourself.” He added snarkily, as the girl scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“Are you seriously mad at me?” Haewon narrowed her eyes, brows curved inward as he shrugged, sighing quietly to himself.

“Not mad, just disappointed.” He mumbled, as the girl breathed out a soft laugh.

“You sound like my mother.” She mentioned, shaking her head.

The boy let out a soft laugh at her words, unable to contain it. “No, but, I mean I am a bit upset with you for not telling me the truth. It's obvious something happened.”

Heeseung expressed, as she opened her mouth to speak but was quickly cut off before she could get anything out. “But, I'll drop it. You obviously don't want to talk about it right now.”

Haewon closed her mouth, pressing her lips together as they curved into a small smile, releasing a deep breath. “Thank you.” She let out gratefully.

The boy only hummed in response, moving on from the topic as his gaze shifted upward, meeting her gaze. “So, tomorrow.” He began, trailing off momentarily as he organized his layout of books.

“Do you wanna come over? I know, obviously, it's Sunday. So your dad will be home.” Heeseung asked, raising a brow as Haewon pursed her lips.

“Yeah, I want to.” The girl chirped, nodding her head.

“But, truthfully, I think it's best that I stay here. At least this week. I can tell my mom is bothered by the fact that I always.. just disappear on Sundays. I think it definitely makes my dad mad.” The girl explained, rolling her eyes at the mention of her father.

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