Chapter 1:- First Day of High school

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Chapter 1:

Ethan had always looked forward to high school at Greenwood High with a mix of hope and trepidation. This year, he silently vowed, would be different. He would try to step out of his comfort zone, make new friends, and make the most of his time. But Ethan was an introvert at heart, especially when it came to talking to girls. Just the thought of starting a conversation made his heart race uncomfortably.

On the first day of high school, as Ethan entered his new classroom, his eyes immediately found Lily. She was a new admission, and something about her caught his attention. Maybe it was the serene way she looked around the unfamiliar room, or perhaps the morning light that seemed to highlight her, setting her apart from everyone else. Despite his dreams of making this year the best one yet, Ethan's old fears crept in. Talking to Lily seemed like an impossible feat.

Ethan was well-liked, even with his quiet nature. His kindness and willingness to help others had won him friends, but his shyness around girls was a hurdle he hadn't yet overcome. Ethan and Lily ended up in the same group for a class project, and while he hoped this would be his chance to get to know her better, his words always faltered. Their interactions remained strictly about the task at hand, leaving Ethan wishing for more.

His admiration for Lily went beyond the surface. He appreciated her quiet strength, the thoughtful way she spoke, and her genuine smiles. These qualities inspired Ethan to express himself the only way he felt comfortable: through music. In the privacy of his room, Ethan composed songs about Lily, pouring his unspoken feelings into melodies.

Lunchtime became Ethan's secret stage. With his guitar, he'd play softly, sometimes imagining he was serenading Lily, though he was far too shy to ever perform directly for her. The lyrics spoke of kindness, laughter, and the beauty of simplicity—traits he admired in Lily.

Ethan's friends knew about his crush, even if he never openly talked about it. They encouraged him to speak to her, but the fear of embarrassment always held him back. Ethan admired Lily from a distance, cherishing the moments they shared in group projects and the occasional, brief eye contact.

When Ethan was chosen to perform at the school assembly, he saw it as an opportunity to share his feelings without having to confront his fear. He selected songs that captured the essence of his admiration for Lily. As he sang, his voice filled the auditorium, each word a hidden message meant for her. Though he didn't reveal whom the songs were about, Ethan hoped that somehow, Lily would understand.

High school was a time for dreams, hopes, and silent wishes for Ethan. His introverted nature made it difficult for him to express his feelings directly, but through his music, he found a voice. As the year progressed, Ethan held onto the quiet hope that maybe, just maybe, Lily would one day hear his songs and understand the depth of his admiration for her.

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