Chapter 2:- The summer begins

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Chapter 2:

As the final bell rang, signaling the start of summer break at Greenwood High, Ethan felt a pang of sadness amidst the sea of excitement around him. He had spent the entire year mustering the courage to talk to Lily, yet when the moment came, words failed him. He watched his classmates make plans for hangouts and summer adventures, wishing he could be part of it all, especially if it meant spending time with Lily. But Ethan couldn't bring himself to invite her, let alone talk to her directly.

The first few days of summer were the hardest. Ethan found himself longing for the routine of school, the silent exchanges with Lily, and even the projects they briefly collaborated on. In an attempt to bridge the gap summer had created, Ethan created an Instagram account, hoping to reconnect with his friends. To his dismay, it seemed like everyone had moved on without him. His messages went unanswered, and his feed was filled with pictures of group outings and parties he knew nothing about. Ethan felt forgotten, isolated in a way he hadn't anticipated.

Just when the loneliness felt too much to bear, a notification popped up. A message from an anonymous account. Curiosity mixed with a hint of anxiety as Ethan opened the message. The stranger offered empathy and understanding, mentioning his habit of wearing a "face mask" at school. Ethan had always been guarded, using his introversion as a shield to hide his emotions and insecurities. The mention of his "mask" made Ethan wary, yet intrigued. Who could it be?

Determined to uncover the mystery, Ethan reached out to his classmates, piecing together clues until a surprising revelation came to light: the anonymous account belonged to Lily. It was Lily who had noticed Ethan's struggle, Lily who reached out with a message of hope. Encouraged by her gesture, Ethan opened up about the fears and insecurities that led him to hide behind his mask. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, turning nights into mornings as they shared stories, dreams, and eventually, laughter.

Lily suggested Ethan read "Wonder," a book about acceptance and the courage to be oneself despite challenges. It was her way of encouraging Ethan to face his fears, to step out from behind the mask he had worn for so long. The book became a turning point for Ethan, inspiring him to see his own story in a new light.

As summer came to a close, Ethan realized he had found something he hadn't known he was looking for: a true friend. Despite the isolation he felt at the start of the break, Lily's friendship filled a void, giving him a sense of belonging and understanding he had long craved.

With renewed confidence and a burgeoning friendship, Ethan returned to school. The once daunting hallways felt different now, less intimidating. He had Lily by his side, a friend who had seen him at his most vulnerable and still reached out with kindness and empathy.

Will Ethan be able to talk to Lily in school? Will he be able to confess his feelings?
What's the future gonna hold for both of them after returning to school.

Stay tuned, till the next chapter rolls out.

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