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Katherine and Piper hears footsteps coming down into the tomb, walks over to the entrance. Jeremy walks down the steps and stands in front of the entrance, where they can't reach him.

Katherine: The youngest Gilbert. This is an intriguing surprise.

Jeremy: I'm here for the moonstone.

Katherine: Yeah, yeah, the moonstone. It's very popular today.

Jeremy: Just give it to me.

Katherine: [sighs] Naïve little Gilbert. If you want it, you're gonna have to come here and get it.

Suddenly, Jeremy pulls a stake gun from out of his sleeve. He shoots the stake at Katherine, hitting her squarely in the stomach.

Jeremy throws the handful of ashes he took from Bonnie directly into Katherine's face. Katherine gasps and falls to the floor, temporarily unconscious.

Jeremy: I kinda figured you'd say that.

Jeremy enters the tomb. He pats Katherine down in search of the moonstone.

Jeremy: Come on, where is it?

He turns around shining the flashlight seeing Piper behind him, she tilts her head to the side and smirks.

Piper: I'm famished, little Gilbert.

She vamp speeds towards him and tilts his head back biting into his neck. She gasps for air licking her lips, blood dripping down her chin.


Stefan, Caroline and Bonnie walks down into the tomb. Stefan drops his bag and starts rummaging through it, but something catches his eye. He sees the moonstone lying nearby.

Stefan: What the hell?

Bonnie: Is that the moonstone?

They rush over to it. Stefan picks it up. Katherine, lips drenched in blood, comes to the entrance of the tomb.

Katherine: I hate to interrupt, [Stefan and Bonnie look up at her.] but today has just been full of surprises.

Piper pulls Jeremy out from behind the wall . Jeremy's eyelids flutter and the bite mark on his neck oozes blood. Stefan rushes over to the entrance and Bonnie looks on in horror.

Jeremy: I'm sorry. I took some powder.

Piper: Don't worry, I know that he's wearing his ring, so no matter how many times I kill him, he'll just keep coming back for more. So, I'm going to be in the back playing with my new little toy

She shoves Jeremy back into the cave

Piper: And you guys just give me a holler when you've got the tomb open.

She bats her eyelashes adorably towards Caroline

Piper: My love, when you're done with this nonsense, why don't you come in here and hold me in your arms?

Bonnie has set up a circle of torches in the antechamber. She lights them with a flame.

Stefan: Where the hell is Damon?

Bonnie: We can't wait, we have to get him out of there.

Stefan: She's fed, she has her strength back.

Bonnie: We still have what's left of the ash.

Bonnie hands Caroline an envelope with the ash.

Bonnie: Do you think you can get close enough?

Caroline takes the envelope from Bonnie.

Caroline: Yeah I don't have a choice.

Bonnie: It's gonna take me some time.

Stefan: How long?

Bonnie: I don't know, a while.

Caroline: Just get me in there as soon as you can.

Bonnie has the grimoire open, her eyes tightly shut, she begins chanting a spell in Latin. Stefan and Caroline watches her.

Piper and Katherine drags Jeremy behind them.

Katherine: Ohh something's happening, baby

Piper: I know, my darling.

Jeremy: Bonnie, no!

Caroline looks back at Bonnie, a look of alarm on her face.

Jeremy: You have to stop her, she's not strong enough!

The flames flare up higher.

Katherine: Maybe she is.

Caroline: Bonnie....Bonnie....

Jeremy: You gotta stop her!

Katherine elbows Jeremy in the face and he falls to the floor. Caroline looks back at Jeremy and sees he's okay. Stefan looks back at Bonnie and grasps her arm.

Stefan: You need to stop. Bonnie!

Suddenly, Bonnie faints. Stefan gets down next to her and begins to shake her.

Stefan: Bonnie. Bonnie, wake up, please. Bonnie, wake up. Bonnie.

Piper: Yes please because we're still in here.

Caroline: Are you okay? You all right?

Bonnie, feeling fuzzy, sits up with Stefan's help. Bonnie uses Stefan's arm to stand herself up

Bonnie: It didn't work.

Bonnie looks into the cave, upset. Stefan holds onto her arms so she won't fall back down.

Bonnie: I'm not strong enough. Even with help, I can't do it.

Katherine: Ahhh, that's too bad, I'm still hungry.

Katherine grabs Jeremy's shirt and pushes him up against the wall. She extends her fangs and prepares to bite Jeremy's neck.

Caroline vamp-speeds into the tomb, grabs Jeremy, throws him out, and restrains Katherine against the wall.

Caroline: Go!

Jeremy falls onto the ground and Bonnie kneels down and wraps her arms around him. Piper smirks swaying her hips side to side, batting her eyelashes adorably.

Piper: It's about time you got in here, my love.

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