interview 3

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Today, we have with us Rachel, the author of "A game of Ouija","If I die young" and "From the depths of my heart" *claps*

I am sure most of people know her as an active reader and for "Game of Ouija". She is a very nice supporter.

Name: Rachel

How many years have you enjoyed Earth?: It's a secret. ;)

When did the angel drop you on Earth?: 28 May. On a Monday.

Country: Malaysia

What grade are you in?: A secret, once again. Sorry. :/

Dream Job: Writer, Journalist, Criminal Profiler

Special Quality?: I don't know, really. :}

How did you find Wattpad?: Through a stranger on Omegle. Her username is Chikitaloca911. :)

When did you join Wattpad?: I joined in March, but made new accounts to leave my old stories behind. The old accounts are deleted.

If you could travel in time machine, what would you do?-If I could trvel in a time machine, I wouldn't take the chance. I believe that we should learn from our past mistakes, live in the present day, and hope that tomorrow will come.

What is your favourite book? (published book)-My favourite book is either Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher or The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.  

If you were superhero, what power would you have?-If I were a superhero, I'd love to have the power of healing.

Whats your own best book so far?I don't know what's the best book I have written.

What character in your book/in any movie/in any other persons book, do you see yourself?-I always leave a part of me in every character.

What is your favourite quote?- "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, and that's why we call it present." - Master Uguay.

Special person in life?-Everyone whom I love.

If god is sitting in front of you and you can ask him 3 questions, what they would be?-

  1) Will you protect my family? 2) Will you be here for us, forever? 3) Do you know how much we love you?  

Do you have any pet? What’s there name?-I do have a pet. A Poodle, to be more specific. Her name is Princess. She's the best pet any girl could have. <3

If you could be god for one day what would you do?-No one can be God. No. One.

Favourite actor and actress?-N/A

Favourite song?-Carry On by fun.

Favourite wattpad book and their author’s name-Any book by EKShortstories, AKA Esther. <3

Most memorable moment-When I was chosen to be in the school's Wushu team.

Best friend- Loke Vzynn.

What are you most thankful for?-  life

I hope you enjoyed with Rachel. Thanks for reading. Hope you have a marvelous day.

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