Interview 8

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Hello all! Welcome to a chat with shiningstary 2. Today, I am so excited to have with us one of my favorite authors on wattpad CRISTY  known as 8o8_iNSANiTY. She is one of the writers whose book I started reading when I was new to wattpad and still I am reading her. After I joined wattpad and fanned her, some days later I saw her online. We both chatted with each other. She was so kind and normal and was not like those people who boast upon their popularity.  Ok I should stop right now and let you enjoy the interview.

P.S.- My favorite book written by her is "The School: Bad Boy Is A Daddy".( Brooklyn is so cute!)

Name: Cristy

How many years have you enjoyed earth? 26

When did angel drop you on earth? Saturday November 22nd 1986

Country: USA 

Are you in school (what grade)? Or have a job? I have a full time job.

If you are in school, what do you want to do in the future? I finished a while ago.

What is you special quality? Hm, I’m not too sure.

How did you find Wattpad? It was by accident actually. I was reading a story on Quizilla which wasn’t completed and the author posted that she was going to continue the story on Wattpad. So I went and checked it out. 

When did you join Wattpad? Going on three years if I’m not mistaken.

What are your hobbies? Writing and Reading.

If you could travel in time, what would you do? Since I was born and raised in Hawaii I’d want to go back to before everything change, see how the Hawaiian’s lived back then.

Whats you favorite book (published book)? The list is pretty long, there is no way I’d be able to pick just one.

If you were a superhero, what power would you have? The power to heal others.

Whats your favorite movie? That list is almost as long as my favorite books lol.

Whats your own best book so far? Hm, you’d have to ask my readers.

What character in your book/in a movie/in another book do you see yourself? None, actually.

Whats your favorite quote? ‘Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.’ I have it tattooed on my ribs.

Special person in life? My three children are the only ones for me.

If God is sitting in front of you and you could ask him 3 questions, what would they be? I wouldn’t know until it happened.

Do you have a pet(s)? Whats it/their name(s)? Right now all I’ve got is a fish and it isn’t named.

If you could be a god for a day, what would you do? Ah, the possibilities would be endless.

Favorite actor and actress? Johnny Depp, Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan-Tatum, Jordana Brewster, Ryan Reynolds and more!

Favorite song? Don’t really have a favorite

Favorite Wattpad book and the authors name? Oh, there are just sooo many! Any book by Conleyswifey!

Most memorable moment? The birth of my children

Best Friend? Her name is Tiffany and she drives me INSANE!

What are you thankful for? My kids and the fact that I am able to provide for them.

Thank you Cristy for joining us today. I know everyone must have been excited to know about you. Give a big clap for Cristy.

Thank you for being with us. Stay tuned to A chat with shiningstary 2.

Have a marvelous day.

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