Interview 4

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Welcome to A chat with shiningstary 2. Today we have with us Saachi, Author of many well known books like Thorton series, werewolf series,etc and also the ambassador of wattpad. Her book Untouched bride has been published. Put your hands together for Saachi. *claps*

1. Name- Saachi Jain Jaiswal

2. How Many Years Have you enjoyed Earth- 18 years

3. Country- India. 

4. Are you in school(which grade)? or doing job?- College 2nd Year

5. If you are in College, what do you want to do in future- Finance (Investment banker etc)

6. What is your special Quality- Good Speaker

7. How did you find Wattpad?- Through a friend

8.When did you join Wattpad-Mar 21, 2010

9.What are your hobbies- Badminton, baking, singing and writing

10. If you could travel in time machine, what would you do- I would travel to the victorian times, cause i love the scenario of that time.

11. What is your favourite book?- too many to name, but authors like jeffery archer, dan brown, sidney sheldon (I love all their books)

12. If you were superhero, what power would you have?-If i was a superhero, I would like to fly.

13.Favourite movie?-I dont have a favourite movie as such cause I like too many of them.

14.What character in your book/in any movie/in any other persons book, do you see yourself? In my books, each of my characters have one or other of my personality or characteristics. So I guess I'm all of them.

15.Favourite quote- Believe in yourself and believe that you can achieve anything, never let anyone tell you that your not worthy enough.

16.Special person in life?- My dog, he is my biggest support system.

17.If god is sitting in front of you and you can ask him 3 questions, what they would be?- I'm more of an atheist, so I really don't think god would ever come before me.

18.Do you have any pet?Name? I have a dog, he is 8 years old, golden retriever. His name is Devel.

19.If you could be god for one day what would you do?- I would undo or try to correct all the mistakes I have made in the past and try n be more wise.

20. Favourite Actor- Leonardo Di Caprio etc, Actress- None

21. Favourite Song- Too many to name

22. Favourite Wattpad author-kirsty1000, princessharley, VJDunraven, Etc

23. Most memorable moment-When I got my dog and got into India's number 1 college 24.Best friend?- Rony, Tanvi, Sanyam, Nikita

25.What are you most thankful for?- I am thankful to be living a privileged life!

Thanks you Saachi for joining us. I hope everyone enjoyed. 

Have a marvelous day. Stay tuned to A chat with shiningstary 2.

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