Interview 7

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Welcome to A chat with shiningstary 2. Today we have with us Sarah(aya968). Please put your hands together for Sarah.

Name-Sarah (aya968)

Angel dropped you on earth on ?- 17 years ago

In the month of March


School? or job?-In school - 5th year

Dream job?-Haven't really thought about it even though i should have. Hmmm something on the lines of art, photography or creative writing perhaps.

Special quality-Don't know - I'm kinda creative

How did you find wattpad?-I was addicted to wattpad, I haven't really been on it now for a while but I still like it.

joined wattpad on?-May 9 2011

hobby?-I like drawing, writing, photography and I'm going to learn the guitar and archery soon.

If you could go back in time, what would you do?-Hmmm I'd do alot of things if I could go back in time :p I love history though so mostly I'd do  boting stuff and just see how people lived back then.

Fav. published book?-From the ones I'm reading at the moment either Stolen by Lucy Christopher or The Host by Stephenie Meyer. 

If you are a superhero which power would you have?-I think invisibility would be cool and so would to be move things with your mind. :p

Fav. movie?-I don't watch much movies but Rise of the Guardians is brilliant <3

Your own best book?-I've only written one so far so Last Lives.

What character in a book you can relate to ?-Possibly Crimson - I don't like to compare characters :/

Thank you for joining us Sarah. I hope readers enjoyed it. Thank you all for reading. Stay tuned to a chat with shiningstary 2.

Have a marvelous day!

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