A Confusing Case

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Author's Note:

I have no idea what's the legal working age in Japan, but let's just say they're all 20 years old in this, cause i can't have them working when they're too young to do so.

"Tsukasa you have another client!" Saki called as she walked past the detectives room. Tsukasa looked up from his many notes and files. A giant bulletin board was hung up behind him with many pins and pieces of string tied together.

"Tell them I'll be there soon!" Tsukasa yelled back. Almost the whole office could hear. He surely had a voice..

Time skip to client meeting...

"So, Ms. Konazuki, what brings you here today?" Tsukasa inquired, gesturing for the nervous and shaky woman to speak. The woman's name was Ayaka Konazuki, and her son, Aito Konazuki, had recently been killed in what seemed to be a purposeful murder.

"Y-you see, Mr. Tenma, my son was recently murdered by what seemed to be an assassin. The police said that they found strands of blue and purple hair, as well as a note with the initials R.K written on it at the crime scene.." Konazuki said in a jittery voice. This caused Tsukasa's eyes to widen. You see, for the previous few cases he had covered, the evidence had always been the same strands of blue and purple hair and the same blank note with just the initials of R.K, whoever that was, written on it. What was even weirder, he never managed to solve any of those cases..

"Rest assured ma'am, we'll try our best to find the murderer." Tsukasa said assuringly, putting a comforting hand on the woman's shoulder.

The woman nodded, before continuing to explain the case details to Tsukasa. Once she was done, she was sent on her way and Tsukasa went back to his planning room. He was so confused. Who was R.K? Did they have blue and purple hair? And why were they the cause of so many damn murders..?

"So? Any leads?" Saki asked, looking over to her brother. Tsukasa had his hand in his hair and a stressed look on his face.

"No..I..I just don't get it! How can this one R.K person with blue and purple hair be the reason for so many murderers! How did they cover up their tracks so well!? Who even are they?! Is it just one person, or many? God these cases are confusing.. Argh.." Tsukasa sighed roughly.

"Chill...I'm sure you'll find something out. You always do." Saki smiles as she patted Tsukasa's back. Tsukasa gave a small smile back in reply.

"Yea..thanks. I need a break.. I'll be outside for a while." He said, before getting up. Before he walked out the door, though. His sister called out to him.

"Be careful out there! This is the time where most murders happen!" Saki said. Tsukasa just chuckled before walking out the door. He walked down the alleyway for a few minutes, before he froze. He saw someone dead on the floor, blood splattered on the ground, and a man, around the same age as him, with purple and blue hair, cleaning blood off of his clothes..

Tsukasa's first thought was: 'Yes, I've finally found him! I've finally found the cause of all those murderers!' But his second thought was:'...Shit. I should probably run..'

Before he had the chance to take off, the man looked back at him. He noticed the man had piercing yellow eyes that looked like ones of an owl. Unsettling.. Suddenly, the assassin pulled out his gun and aimed it right at Tsukasa's head.

"What do we have here..?" He said coldly, not a single drop of mercy in his voice.

"Name. Now." The assassin demanded.

"Tenma." Tsukasa replied, not backing down.

"Full name, idiot."

"Tsukasa Tenma."

"Oh..I see. You're part of that detective industry that's been causing me and my team to be in a lot of trouble, huh.. Maybe I should just kill you here right now.." The assassin said, his eyes narrowing as his finger almost pressing down on the gun's trigger.

"W-Wait! I have a deal for you.."

To Be Continued.

Author's note: 

Hehe cliff hanger 

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