An Unfavourable Situation

52 2 1

Author's Notes:

None, yet.

"Rui? What took you so long?" Nene asked as Rui walked into the building, blood on his clothes.

"...We're fucked."

"How so?"

"I let one of the detectives escape on accident. He'll surely tattle.." 

"WHAT?!" Nene said.

"What's all the ruckus for? Quit slacking. Boss will surely be mad." Akito asked as he walked past. He paused in front of the two, waiting for one of them to talk.

"Well, Ru- I mean..Kamishiro ran into one of those stupid detectives.. We're going to be so scolded.." Nene groaned.

"What was the detective's name?" Akito asked curiously.

"I think his name was.. Tsukana Temna.. Wait no. Tsukasa Tenma. He was a blonde..but his hair had pink ends. Around 5'8" in height." 

"Hah. Shorty." Akito snorted.

"Shush. Not the time."

"You're all no fun."

"What's going on here?" Ichika asked as she walked towards the three. She was the boss.

"So you see.."

• After explaining •

"...What did you drag us into this time, Kamishiro..?" Ichika sighed, as if she was a tired parent.

"You know who that detective was right? He was and still is part of the most famous and advanced detective agency of our time. He'll surely track us down within a few months, if not a few weeks. We're doomed, because of your recklessness!"

"Hey! It was only..partly my fault." Rui argued back.

"Only way of solving this problem now, would be to track down this Tenma dude and keep him hostage. We can use him as a leverage, since I heard that he was pretty important to the detective agency. We can kidnap him, and say that if they reveal our secrets, we end him. That'll probably work, right?" Nene suggested.

"Ah, my dear Nene. I knew I could always rely on you." Ichika smiled in pleasure, before frowning again when she looked towards Rui.

"Now, the job of capturing Tenma goes to you, Kamishiro. I need you to make sure that he won't cause anymore trouble for us." Ichika said.

"..Yes, boss. Will do."

"I trust you will do your job correctly?"

"Yea, yea, I'm not a kid."


Author's Note:

I'll stop updating this as often. Once 17 March has passed, I'll only upload every weekend, if not only on Sunday. Sorry. I'm busy with school too. Also hehe cliffhanger.

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