Right Time, Right Place

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Author's Note:

Nothing for now.

"I'll go look for the assassins!" Emu said excitedly, jumping around.

"I'll go with!" Tsukasa volunteered, before the two ran out the door.

"Kamishiro was around this area just now.." Tsukasa muttered, before he froze. Rui, as well as a girl with long, green hair were coming this way. Tsukasa roughly shoved Emu behind a wall and then put a hand on her mouth, keeping her quiet. However, it was much too late..

"It's them!" Rui yelled, before chasing after Tsukasa and Emu. The girl with green hair followed suit.

Unluckily for Emu and Tsukasa, Rui and the girl with green hair were faster than them, and managed to tackle to two to the ground. Emu let out a squeak as she hit the ground and Tsukasa groaned.

"Nene, call boss. Tell her that we have them." Rui said to the girl with green hair, whose name was supposedly Nene.

"Let us go!" Tsukasa hissed, though he couldn't do much since he was still trapped.

"Not this time."


"I'm on the verge of ending you so you better shut up."



"Yo. Boss said to sedate them and bring them back." Nene said, as she shoved her phone in her pocket.

"Help me inject them, dammit. I'm holding them down." 

"Yea, yea, whatever. Grumpy old man."

"I'm only a year older!"


Nene injected sedatives into the two detectives, and the last thing they saw before they passed out were Rui and Nene.

"Now..time to get these two fuckers back to the building." Rui sighed.

"How are we supposed to do that?"

"Carry them, duh."

"Hell no! I'm not carrying that blonde dude!"

"You carry the pink one. I'll take care of him."

"...Good enough, I guess."

Nene gently picked Emu up, only to find she was as light as a feather. Rui did the same to Tsukasa, only to find out the detective was heavy. Like really heavy. It was probably due to Rui being malnourished, but still.

"Are these things robots or not? This feels awfully light for a human being of this size." Nene asked curiously as she and Rui took a route through the back alley. She let out a snort of laughter when she saw how much Rui was struggling.

"Stop laughing, idiot."

"Yea, yea, whatever."

Author's Note:

Cliffhanger :3

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