Reveal the Tea!

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Author's Note:


"What happened this time, Tsukasa?" Toya asked as he walked over.

"Okay..alright.. So I ran into the infamous R.K guy.."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Saki shrieked in surprise and delight.

"C'mon..c'mon! Tell us what you found out! Are they a boy? A girl? What organisation are they apart of? Or are they working alone? What do they look like? Did they just kill anyone? What are their motives? We could save the whole entire city with this information!" Saki said excitedly, jumping up and down.

"Uh..they were about to kill me, so I didn't ask any questions.."

"WHAT? They were about to kill you? Are you okay, Nii-chan?"

"Yea, I'm fine. Anyway.. that R.K guy, he's male. Around 5'11", from what I can see, and his real name is Kamishiro Rui." Tsukasa explained as Saki curiously took down notes.

"Call Emu! She'll 100% be pleased when she sees this!" Saki said proudly. Toya nodded and called the chief detective, Emu Otori.

"Oh! Tsukasa! Saki! Have you found any evidence?" Emu said excitedly. She and Saki were similar, in more ways than just their hair colour.

"Yea! Nii-ch..I mean Tsukasa..found out who that infamous R.K murder was!" 

"Really?! We could save so many people's lives and end unnecessary bloodshed with this info!" Emu said, her face breaking out into a wide grin.

"Now, time to figure out if this Kamishiro guy works with others too.." Tsukasa mumbled.

Author's Note:

Sorry for short chapter. I'm kinda sick rn

I'll Catch you, Mr Assassin!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora