~Operation save Eri! I'll try to stick to it... Pt1~

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As you all ran into the building, leaving some police officers at the entrance to keep out some of the villains, you had no clue where you were really going, so you made sure to stay by Aizawa and everyone else who were with you.

Sir Nighteye suddenly came to a halt at a gap in the passages wall, where a vase on a small table stood.
"It's here." You tilted your head for a moment before realising that he must have meant the secret entry into the main hideout. It gave you a slight feeling of nostalgia due to the sensation of having been brought past these same halls.

After Nighteye did some sort of code by pressing down some of the planks of wood in a specific order, a hidden doorway opened, also revealing three villains. However, they served no threat as you swiftly knocked them out, allowing Bubble Girl and the centipede dude to restrain them.

It was there you left them and continued to go deeper into the hideout. As you all ran down the stairs, Sir Nighteye told you all to take a right, so you ran on ahead, but due to your speed, you hadn't realised how close you had come to a wall, blocking your path. Before you made contact with it, a familiar rope wrapped around your waist and tugged you back.

"It's a dead end!" Someone exclaimed. "You sure you know your way?"
"Nighteye, explain!"
"I'll go check it out." The blonde third year stepped out in front, removing his helmet as he approached the wall.
"Wait! Lemillion, your clothes -"
"It's fine." Amajiki cut off kirishima.
"His outfit is made of a certain material with Mirio's own hair so that it can go through things as well."

With his head in the wall, Mirio tells you all how the path continues beyond the wall.
"I could probably slash it down." You raised your hand to volunteer.
"What if your sword breaks?" Genya asked you whilst you shrugged your shoulders in response.
"(Y/N), we'll handle this!" Broccoli boy sent you a determined look as Kirishima gave you a thumbs up. The two of them charged forward and used their ability to create a gap in the wall.

Following that, you all went forward and continued your journey, but as you all did, the ground suddenly began to wave and turn, like the almost infinite tides on a shore. You heard some other guy say how the cause for the change in the hallway was one of the villain members with a quirk called 'mimic'.

You zoned out for a moment, thinking of a way to get out of this situation, and then if it was possible to, but you stopped when you noticed Mirio begin to run on ahead.
"There stalling for time, so as long as I know their direction, I can get to them!" Honestly, you thought it was a good idea, other than one point.
"What if you get into a tough fight?"
Still running, he turned to you with a smile.
"Then I'll take them down! I'm willing to put everything on the line to make sure we save her!" Your eyes glistened at his words for a moment. You nodded, and before you knew it, he was gone.

Once a second had passed, the floor gave way, causing the group of you to fall into another room; this time, with no waving walls or floors.
"A hall?"
"We keep getting further away from our target!"
"It seems like they have planned this out well."

You only look on in front of you in the direction of where a lot of the fog still settled.
"There," you pointed your finger into the mist, diverting everyone's attention to it, just as it began to clear.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" One called out, head covered in some sort of cloth in a way that made him look like a potato sac transformed into a makeshift skeleton. "A bunch of government people just dropped from the sky!"

"Strange things occur, huh?" There were two other guys. One had a muscular figure and wore a white mask, and the other was a blonde with shoulder-length hair and wore the signature haissaikai bird mask over his mouth.

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