Working Out - Alec

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Alec walked to the gym and went to the teachers only room. He didn't need food. All he needed to do was try and get his old shape back. He just wanted to look decent again. In the teachers only room, there was a bunch of gym equipment. He grabbed the timer off of the desk in the messy, equipment-filled room. He walked up to the pull-up bars and jumped up, grabbing one of them. His body was much weaker however, and it hurt ro try and do pull-ups again. After around 3 (that's just what he said though, it was more like 28.) failed attempts of doing a pull-up, he finally did it again. He continued in his best attempt to do pull-ups for awhile. The timer was on and was counting how long he had been trying and succeeding to do pull-ups on the bar. He had only managed to do 5 with his current strength (he claims he did 20 but I've already let him get away with lying once,) and so he hopped down from the bar. He stopped the timer and went to one of the gymnastic mats on the floor and started doing push-ups. He had terrible form however. He couldn't even hold himself up for 2 push-ups, so he kept trying for the next 20 minutes until he finally managed to do more than 10. Then Emma barged into the room again.
"Are you here to pester me again?" He muttered.
"No. I just wanna see what you're doing to prove I'm obviously better."
"Oh shut up. You're just all cocky because you're a cheerleader. You're a disgusting cheerleader."
"Trying to work out again? Must suck on an empty stomach." She chuckled while eating a bag of crackers she found in the nurses office for stomach aches. Purposely crunching loudly.
"You want some. Don't you?"
Alec just went silent and glared daggers at her. He hated her for everything she had done so far. Everything she had said so far. Everything she had in this place in general.
"I wouldn't mind giving you some..."
She smirked, and his eyes lit up until she continued.
"For a price."
"What price..?" He rolled his eyes.
"You work for me in all my greatnes-"
"No. Nope. Not happening. Now get." He scoffed while Emma just glared at him, walking out of the room. Alec went back to doing push-ups. After a few more he started doing situps.. Russian twists.. jumping jacks.. whatever. And in the midst of all of it, he just started thinking thinking of how he got here.

A month ago, February 18.

Alec fell asleep in his messy room with random gym equipment spread throughout. It was a messy wreck of a room, but he didn't care. He was tired. He fell asleep the second he laid in bed- or atleast it felt like that. Instantly, he entered what he'd call a 'dream.' He was in a classroom in school, but there was some creature in front of him. It had a long neck, pale skin, an ugly frame, and long claws. The face was hard to see, but it was hideous. Alec just froze up. However, his first instinct was what his dad told him to do when he felt in danger-
Beat it up.
He jumped at the creature and kicked its leg from behind, knocking it to the floor. It had managed to get a few scratches on him, but he sucked it up- although tears formed in his eyes. He started punching it and hitting it. He wouldn't stop either. He started trying to tear its head off too. It's head was easy to tear off. Weak and stiff like a rotted stick.

It just came off. The head just came off. Black ooze dripped down from the severed head. Gross. Alec pushed and stackerthe desks in front of the door to make sure none of these creatures get back in. Maybe be wouldn't have to worry that much anymore.

A week later. Alec has been in the same dream every night.

Alec was starving and there was still a rotting corpse in the room. He didn't know what to do. He was getting slimmer in his dreams and it seemed to hurt him in real time. Even though he had became more skinny and has starved in his dreams, it doesn't look like it in the real world. And no matter how much he eats, his stomach still feels like it's starving. He has to exercise more in the real world just to feel strong again. Back in the dream world however, he has nothing to eat. So.. he starts eating the rotting, disgusting corpse. It taste horrible. Absolutely terrible. But it doesn't leave him on an empty stomach. He had to eat it for his own survival in this weird dream world. It was obvious it wasn't just a dream by now. It was hell.

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