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Eri was busy setting up for her birthday party. It wasn't much, after all not a lot of people ever come. But today was the only day Kota promised to spend time with her, it's been awhile since they hung out, so she was absolutely ecstatic. "Hey sweetie...." Aizawa says coming in and eri smiles and hugs him "dad! I'm almost done setting up! I figured since it's just gonna be us and Kota that I shouldn't go overboard..." Eri says thinking and aizawa sighs, "Kota called...he said he wasn't able to come today... apparently someone named Lauren was throwing a party today as well and he wants to be there for her" aizawa says and eri's smile quickly fades. "But...he promised..." Aizawa sighs and hugs eri tightly, "I know...but is still all about don't worry about it too much okay? I'm sure he'll make it up to you..." Aizawa reassures as he knew how much the male loved eri. Of course, no one knew how that quickly changed because Lauren managed to steal him from eri. Eri smiles softly and nods, "yeah....he always makes it up when he can't come..." She says. The party went as well as eri had expected even though Kota wasn't there to celebrate with them. "On the bright side rockstar, UA got back to us and you're officially accepted! I mean of course you need to take the recommendation test but that test is to see which class to place you in"

Eri smile returns and she jumps up and down. "HOLY- REALLY?!" "It's true my dear" nezu says coming in. "We at UA have decided to accept you, we've seen how strong you are from a young age" eri smiles and hugs nezu "thank you....I promise I won't let you down!" Eri smiles. The rest of eri's birthday went absolutely amazing, of course Kota did end up showing up at night. After all he didn't say he wouldn't show up at all for the day, just that he wouldn't make it to her party. "Eri! Kota's here!" Shinso calls letting the male in, he takes off his shoes and jacket before setting eri's gifts on the table. "Hi Kota-kun!" Eri smiles as she was in the kitchen baking some cookies. "Heya" he smiles and goes to help her bake, "chocolate chip?" He asks, taking some of the batter and eating it. "Mhm!" Eri nods putting the pan full of cookies in the oven. "How's your birthday been?" He asks washing his hands to help eri bake. "Good! I found out that I've been accepted into UA, of course I still have to take the entrance exam with everyone...but I'll be in the recommendation tests instead" eri admitted and Kota nods. "Lauren was saying how she's gonna try for the hero course as well" Kota says and eri nods. She didn't like how Kota talked a lot about Lauren lately.... usually he and her would just talk about whatever...but now anything she did or said would always somehow remind him of Lauren. She also noticed that he seemed so much more distant and cold towards her, and usually the two would always go on dates or just have random late night calls...but now he's just doing all that with Lauren and if eri was lucky he'll maybe say hi or ask her if he can copy her notes. Yet, she bit her tongue knowing saying anything of it made Kota mad and he usually storms off, and she didn't wanna ruin the moment.

"Well, I wish her luck! And you too!" Eri smiles. Kota nods and starts putting some of the cookie dough on the pan to help out. "So how late do you plan on staying?" Eri asks assuming he was just gonna stay a few hours and leave like he's been doing. "I mean I was thinking about staying the night to make up for the party" he says and eri was shocked but nods. "Mhm! Um we already ate but if you want I can make you something while the cookies bake" Kota nods, "sure, I didn't really have time to grab something" he admitted and eri nods and goes to grab some stuff to make some curry. "Me and Lauren actually got into a huge fight" Kota admitted and sighs, "oh no...what happened?" Eri asks as she starts chopping up the ingredients for the curry. "She keeps saying I should just cut you outta my life...but you know I can't do that" Kota says and eri was shocked. "I mean I already made her my girlfriend...I don't know why she's so insecure about's not like I would ever date you over her" eri's heart completely shattered when he said that and she just nods. "Um...yeah..." She takes a deep breath, "I mean why would we ever even date?" She says trying to go along with it and hide the fact his words felt like a knife in her heart. "I mean don't get me wrong I love you! Just...not like that..." Kota says quickly realizing he messed up and shouldn't have said that right to eri's face. "No, no it's okay..." He smiles and starts putting everything in the pot to cook.

Kota instantly felt bad and thinks, "I um..." Eri interrupts, "feel free to put the cookies in the oven whenever! The first batch should be done soon" eri says putting a lid on the pot so it can cook the curry quicker. Kota sighs and nods putting the cookies in the oven, picking up on the hint that she didn't wanna talk about it. "We're still friends though....right?" Eri asks a little worried and Kota nods and smiles, "forever and always" he says and eri smiles, it was the first time she's Heard those words in awhile. Usually when he said it, it was when he told eri he loved her and would always be hers.... granted that part was a lie...or so eri thought.

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