Arranged marriage

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A week went by, eri was absolutely freaking out. She was given a heads up about the arranged marriage thing. Of course each day was full of screaming, fighting, and slamming. Sure Kota was around more, but even he wasn't really there to comfort her. Sure on days when it was really bad he would sit with her, and when she just needed someone he would try and be there. Eri just had to make it known when she needed him, today was just really bad for her anxiety and she just wanted to be held so she just went to Kota near tears. He was on the phone fighting with the commission when he say eri and sighs handing the phone to aizawa so he could take over. "C'mon..." He says taking eri back to her room and he sat on the bed and just held eri while she cried and was trembling, she was so scared. She didn't know what would happen, or if she would be with some who actually loved and respected her.

"'s gonna be okay....I promise..." Kota holds eri and kisses her on the cheek. "I'll tell you a secret....if the commission chooses not to listen to us then me and you will run away okay?... they'll either arrange us to get married or we'll disappear..." He says and eri looks at him. "We're not gonna let anything bad happen to you..." He says and eri flinches as the yelling was getting to her, Kota sighs and pulls her close to his chest covering her ears. He then just softly sings to her trying to keep her as calm as possible and she holds onto him and near tears she just begs "please don't leave me..." Kota nuzzles eri keeping her close, "I'm not going anywhere....c'mon let's try and get some rest okay?" He smiles and lays down holding eri as she lays on top of him. "Take deep breaths okay? Everything will be okay..." He reassures and just holds eri until she fell asleep.

2 days later, they had to meet the commission at a restaurant. Kota was right next to eri, along with her parents and brother. Eri was so close to crying but did her best to hold it in while she squeezed Kota's hand from under the table. The commission soon stands up smiling, "welcome everyone....we are here to celebrate or dear childrens engagements! We shall start off with Luna's engagement to kataru" the leader says and everyone claps, "next is our sweetheart eri's engagement to" the commission looks at each other and nods "Kota Izumi" they say and eri sighs in relief as everyone claps. All that fighting really did wear down the commission, they didn't wanna deal with it they knew it they pushed eri any more without tossing her a bone she would eventually find a way out. The rest of the engagements were a blur to eri, she was just relieved that at the very least she was gonna marry someone she knew. Kota squeezes her hand to try and calm her down a little bit. "Take a deep breath okay?" He says and eri leans against him taking deep breaths, she knew she wasn't allowed to cry. Eri took a moment but she was able to ease up. "Um pardon me for asking, but do we HAVE to have like a full out wedding?" Katru lasts looks Luna up and down, "I don't want people knowing I'm married to....this ugly bag of holes..." He looks away from Luna and the commission shrugs. "You just have to either be married by the end of the month or starting wedding preparations." The commission says and eri was scared as she honestly wasn't ready for marriage....even if she was marrying Kota....she just wasn't ready.

The rest of that dinner was hard on eri. The moment they got home eri was a mess, Kota was holding her as she just cried, she felt so powerless and she hated it. Marriage was supposed to be something she decided.... something she was able to do when she was ready with who she picked....but that was just taken from her. "'s okay.....I know it sucks and I'm sorry....this was the best we were able to do...." Kota says holding eri as close as he could. "Tell you what... we'll play by the commission rules and all....but we'll just get Married really quick at a court house....and then after that we'll just keep going like it never happened okay?.... we'll just be girlfriend and boyfriend....and when you're ready we can start planning a wedding and then make it known that we're married...." Kota offers. He just wanted to make this feel as natural as he could, and give eri some sense of control in the situation. Eri looks at him clearly hurt and just scared and he gives her a reassuring smile trying to let her know it was gonna be okay. "We'll move at your pace okay?...the marriage will only be between us and your one else....and if the commission gets on our asses we'll have a marriage certificate...." He says rubbing her arm just speaking in a soft tone. Eri leans against him taking a deep breath as she tries to calm down. "Everything will be okay I promise....we can take 2 weeks to adjust before we actually do need to go get Married....but even then... I'll do my best to make that go as smoothly and unnoticeable as possible.." he says holding eri's face just trying to make her feel as safe as he possibly could.

"But I'll have your last name.... won't people find that suspicious?" She asks and Kota kisses eri. "Only if they see can just introduce yourself as eri or as aizawa....or if you really want than you can just flaunt off your new name....either is gonna be okay I promise" eri was shocked and while she didn't know how any of this was gonna be okay...she nods and just does her best to trust Kota. In all reality Kota had no idea what to do, he could just make everything seem as natural as he could....but even that was hard. He wasn't gonna let eri know that though, one way or another he was gonna figure it matter what. "You wanna try and get some rest?" Kota asks and eri thinks before nodding as the to lay down. Kota held eri while she cuddles close to him and he just rubs her head trying to reassure her that she was gonna be okay no matter what happens next, as the worse of it was over and now she could relax.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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