months later

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As months went by eri and Kota grew more and more distant. Sure they still texted but Kota was really dry and rarely responded to her. They met up here and there to study, or just hang out. Of course anything they did now was because eri arranged it. Kota no longer did any of the small things that used to make eri extremely Happy or flustered, no more good morning or good night texts, no more random texts to just talk about whatever, he no longer came over to surprise her and just hang out, hell he's stood eri up constantly and said he was busy and later she would see pictures or videos of Lauren and him hanging out with both of their friends, eri was the only one being excluded. Of course that would always get to eri as she and Kota used to be so close but now she was treated like she was just someone who Kota was forced to be around here and there because Mandalay literally had to force him to spend time with her.

Eri was currently waiting for Kota to come get her. They were supposed to go out to the skating rink, eri's never actually gone skating before but she was still excited because she would get to hangout with who she still considered her best friend. Of course Kota texted her saying he was busy and wasn't able to hang out, only for a few minutes later she saw him post pictures at the skating rink with Lauren and they're friends. Yet again eri was left out and she just sat there and cried in aizawa's arms wondering what she did wrong and why Kota suddenly didn't wanna be friends with her. Aizawa, Mic, And Shinso were beyond pissed but still did there best to help eri. Mic eventually called Mandalay and the two talked for awhile and soon mic came back and hugged eri. "Mandalay says that if at anytime you need to talk or have a girls day you can head over... Or she'll come over.... Rather or not you wanna hang out with Kota from now on is up to you...but at the very least Lauren won't be allowed back over there" eri shook her head, "no...he's made his choice...he doesn't love me anymore....I need to respect that...." She says through her tears. "Besides... I'd rather have friends who aren't forced to hang out with me..." She smiles softly, mic and aizawa look at each other. Kota was eri's only actually friend...sure she managed to befriend some of Kota's friends as well but they all ditched her so quick and just left eri with basically nothing...and just not knowing where she went wrong. It broke their hearts and pissed them off beyond belief.

The next day eri was just sitting in class. She was actually drawing in her sketchbook that Kota got her a week before he met was actually his last gift to her but she definitely still appreciates it. "Yo eri" Kota's friend Haru says sitting next to eri. "Hm?..." Eri look up at the male she was confused. "What? Not allowed to hang out with my friend?" Eri was shocked and nods, "yeah you can" she smiles. She didn't realize that it was actually Kota who asked Haru to start hanging out with eri....not because he wanted eri to get off his back, but because at this point Lauren was extremely abusive...while eri didn't know it. Kota did actually wanna be her friend and hang out with her too, just anytime he did Lauren got pissed and would either scream or beat him...which was why he was so distant from her because he didn't wanna get beat or screamed at...not to mention he was so scared that if he brought eri around Lauren she would also get abused and he couldn't stop it. That's why she was the only one he excluded, because Lauren also abused his friends and he just wanted to spare eri from that. Of course by this point he did realize his mistake and just wanted to go back to eri but obviously that wasn't an option right now.

Haru managed to keep eri company, of course he didn't tell eri everything that was happening...since Kota really didn't want eri getting involved... especially since if Lauren stared to beat and abuse her too Kota was physically and mentally incapable to stop it. A week went by and soon eri and Haru because really close friend as the two soon became inseparable. "Oh! My dad's actually are sending me to the commissions training camp! Apparently the commission is really interested in me and what's me and a few others to go over there for a few weeks and just train!" Eri smiles clearly excited, "I can't believe that the commission themselves took an interest in me!....I mean I know it's because of my quirk...but still!" Eri sighs and Haru smiles, "well no matter what, I'm still Happy for ya! When do ya leave for the camp?" He asks and eri looks away, "Tomorrow...but! Last minute is okay! It's not like I have much here it's just for a few weeks so we can definitely text whenever I get the chance and then just hangout and catch up when I get back!" Eri smiles and Haru nods as he gives eri a fist bump. "Just don't forget about me when you become a hotshot Kay?" Eri giggles and accidentally snorts and covers her mouth blushing in embarrassed. Haru was looking at Kota and smiles, Kota was staring and blushing as he watches eri snort. Of course he quickly looked back at Lauren when she elbowed him really hard in the gut. Haru seemed unsettled and when eri turns to look at what Haru was starting at Haru quickly stopped eri. "Anyways, what are ya gonna do after this mission?" He asks and eri perks up and smiles brightly, "obviously help teach ya whatever they show me!" She smiles, "that way maybe next time if I get invited again we can do the camp together!" Haru nods and the rest of the day went by like it was nothing.

"How is she?" Kota asks as Haru and him just met up at a park. "Good, she's gonna go to a training camp starting tomorrow...she said it'll be a few weeks til she comes back" Haru says and sighs. "When are you gonna break up with that bitch?" He asks and Kota rolls her eyes, "I don't know....when I move? Or when I know eri at least won't get dragged through the mud" he admitted, "'s your stomach?" He asks and Kota froze, "it just has a bruise this time... nothing bad... speaking of...what made eri laugh so hard?" "Oh, I told her not to forget about me after she became a big shot... speaking of why don't you just meet up with her yourself?" He asks and Kota looks at him, "last time I hung out with her Lauren gave me a broken jaw....if it helps next time she tries to plan something I'll matter what happens...." "Why not plan something with her yourself?" "Lauren isn't as pissed when eri makes the plans, if I tried arranging something....eri might get jumped and she'd be at the shit outta me again" Kota shivers, "took 3 months for my jaw to heal, I ain't doing that shit again....but as long as eri's doing okay then that's all that matters....oh! You think you can do me a solid?" Kota and and Haru shrugs, "sure I still owe ya for taking that beating for me last time..." He says and Kota smiles, "I think imma get eri a puppy...can you-" Haru nods, "drop it off at my house, I'll deliver it for ya...if you want you can even write a quick not-" Kota shook his head quickly. "As much as I would Love to let eri know that I still care about her...she's not the best at keeping secrets...if I write her a note and give her a puppy she'll run up to thank me and I can almost guarantee Lauren will be RIGHT there and just...God that would make a mess I don't think I'd be able to clean" he sighs and Haru nods. "Just careful....push eri too far and you may end up losing her.... sometimes you have to start things too so eri doesn't feel like she's forcing you into anything....cuz I'll tell you right now her images of you isn't that you're protecting's actually much worse..."

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