Break Up

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Kota would crash at eri's and Haru's here and there for about a week. Eventually he did go home to try and work things out with Lauren. He didn't give Lauren any warning or heads up that he was coming back.... though he did know at some point Eri did stop by to heal Lauren as the guilt from breaking her leg was really getting to when he heard some noises he didn't think much of it thinking maybe eri just randomly stopped by to heal her again since sometimes it takes eri 2 tries to heal broken bones. He sighs and goes into the room half expecting to just she eri trying to heal her leg... however he wasn't expecting to see another man pounding deep into his girlfriend. "Fuck~ yess!~ God you're so much better than my- NGH! Sad excuse of a boyfriend..." Lauren moans and Kota just saw red and growls storming out of the house. He wasn't thinking he went to eri's house since he just didn't wanna be near Lauren and for some reason he just drove there. When he walks inside he saw eri sobbing really hard while mic and aizawa tried tending to her wounds. Kota force and just dropped everything rushing to eri's side and he didn't even say anything. Out of instinct eri clung to him sobbing and occasionally screaming in agony when aizawa put too much pressure on her back. "What happened?" Kota asks worried, "well the commission was being pricks and eri tried telling them off and um..." Mic starts, "let's just say if they beat her with a bull whip one more time imma fucking kill them" aizawa growls and Kota looks down as suddenly all the gashes, bruises, and broken bones made so much sense.

"They would've beaten her to death if we weren't there.... granted Shinso is still there..." Aizawa says and eri screams in agony as aizawa touched a really tender area. "Sorry!" Aizawa apologies and Kota held eri as close as he could and was trying not to touch anywhere that was injured...which was hard since everywhere was badly beaten. "Shhh it's okay, I know it hurts but we're gonna take care of it okay?..." Eri was trembling and soon enough she actually passed out from pain which worried Kota. He's never been beaten to the point of passing out...but for eri it was actually really common. "It's not the first time they beat her til she passed out....but this is the first time she's been going in and out of consciousness." Mic says beyond pissed and aizawa sighs, "call the private doctor...." Aizawa says and mic nods.

They hired private doctors for eri since she never liked the hospital...and when Kota left any unnecessary stress was just pointless and deadly. "She needs a hospital..." Kota says, "I know...but she hates it and unfortunately no one else can get her to calm down and tolerate it and I doubt-" Kota rubs eri's head, "I just broke up with Lauren....I'm not leaving her side again... she needs to go to a hospital.... I'll stay with her and you guys can deal with whatever you need to deal with" Kota says and while they were both hesitant they knew eri needed medical care so they agreed. Kota had to hold eri the whole drive to the hospital, once there she was rushed back and they found out she had 4 broken ribs, 5 bruised organs, internal bleeding, torn ligaments, and a bunch of fractured bones. She had a bunch of clear signs of abuse and so mic and aizawa were questioned. Kota stayed by eri's side the whole time just happy she was okay as he could hear her heart beat. They were actually trying to make sure she was stable before taking her in for surgery. Unfortunately, despite mic and Aizawa's best efforts a report was made with the commission who did come to visit eri. Kota glares at them the whole time and was actually able to keep that at the doorway. "We just wanna make sure she's okay" the commission leader says and Kota growls when she tried getting closer and she backed Kota was known for his anger issues and was really protective of the girl so they didn't really wanna risk pissing him off anymore so they left to talk with aizawa had mic.

Eri soon woke up and was in complete panic and Kota held her hand and kisses the back of it. "Calm down, it's gonna be okay.... we're gonna make sure you get all the care and attention you need okay?" Eri looks at him scared and confused, "I broke up with Lauren so don't worry...I'm never leaving your side again" he says calmly and growls, "you better back the fuck up or I swear to God I'll kill all of you" Kota says already knowing by eri's reaction the commission was back in the doorway. "Aw come now-" the leader starts and Kota goes to stand up and once again they backed off and left instantly. "They're gonna try and take you back for surgery..." Kota says and eri panicked and shook her head Kota kisses her on the head. "I'll be there the whole time...okay? Just relax...." Kota says calmly and eri was trembling and was hesitant but calms down when she saw how confident Kota was that she'd be okay. In reality there was a 65% chance she'd survive the surgery which wasn't a high enough chance for Kota's liking...but he wasn't about to say or show that.

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