gold digger

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"you ready?" Haru asks as eri and him were getting ready to head out. "It's just gonna be Kota right?" Eri asks and Haru looks at her, "not necessarily.... Lauren is glued to his side so-" eri growls "DAMN IT" she sighs, "sorry sorry....give me a bit" she says going to get ready. She actually had to try since it wasn't just gonna be Kota and she had to keep up that kind, calm, and motherly personality that she had since that's what the commission wanted from her in public.

By the time they got there eri took a deep breath just mentally preparing herself. "This" she says looking at the apartment, "yea the two live together now...." Haru says eri was shocked while Haru parks and they both get out and go to their door. Haru actually had to text Kota, since Lauren hates when people knock....last time Haru knocked he got the shit beat outta him and so did Kota since he really did try to defend his friends...sometimes. Kota soon opens the door and lets the two in, "it's a little bit of a mess, sorry I was in the middle of cleaning....Lauren's asleep so please try not to make too much noise" Kota says clearly really mentally exhausted as Lauren really broke him down today and it was nice to just have someone over.

"EEP!" Eri trips over the rug and Gary quickly caught her as both males tensed up. Only calming down when they heard Lauren snore. "Try to be a little bit more careful okay?" Haru whispers and they go to the living room. Kota goes to put this in the washer and sighs, "you guys want hot coco or something?" He whispers, "um sure" eri says softly and Haru nods "yea" he whispered and just looks around and eri thinks and goes to help Kota. "Don't." Kota says bluntly when he saw eri starting picking things up, Lauren likes things done a certain way and Kota really didn't wanna get beaten so he didn't wanna risk eri messing shit up. "You know how there are things you don't want me to do?" Haru says and eri looks at the male, "Kota doesn't want you to-" "why the fuck is she here?" Lauren growls and both Haru and Kota go pale in fear. It took eri a few seconds but she smiles at Lauren, "oh hello darling! I was just stopping apologies I didn't mean to wake you" she says Bowing as to greet the girl. "Oh so now you're being such a pick me because Kota picked me over you. Grow up" eri sighs "as charming as always I see" she says calmly as she looks at the girl. "As annoyed as know one would've thought that Kota would've taught you when to shut the hell up" Lauren says approaching eri, "unlike you Kota actually know-" eri starts when Lauren snaps and tries to hit eri. Unfortunately she didn't take into account that eri was broken down and trained thoroughly by the commission, so the moment she made the mistake of raising her fist to punch eri. Eri instantly reacts and there was a loud 'snap' followed by a scream of agony from Lauren. "Mmm....sorry dear...I reacted outta instinct....but don't worry it's a clean break so it shouldn't have any issues healing" eri says calmly as she rests the bone and wraps it up.

"You fucking bitch...rot in hell" she growls and eri smiles and just in a calm yet Happy voice she just says "oh honey....I already am...for further reference the commission doesn't pay us 5 million an hour for looks.... raising a hand to any one of us can be fatal.... because believe me....I've delt with worse than a brat trying to punch me...." She says and starts up and Lauren was shocked. She thinks realizing eri was much richer than Kota and she instantly switched up. "You know...I always did think you were hotter and better than Kota...but I didn't know you were stronger" she smiles and eri looks at her uncomfortable and Kota seemed genuinely hurt after all he really did do his best to be there for her. "Mhm, you know if you want I can over look this whole thing and I dunno maybe we can go out sometime cutie" she winks and eri shivers. "Ew ew ew ew ew nope nope nope" she raises her hands leaving "fuck it you win! I'm out!" "Wait no come back! Please we can make it wor-" Lauren starts and the door slams behind eri and Kota looks at Lauren. "Really?.... you're just willing to disregard all the time and effort I put into this relationship?" He asks and Lauren rolls her eyes, "please. You're not able to do a single thing right! Hell you suck at cooking, you suck at cleaning, your friends are dumbasses, you're fucking terrible in bed, and you're just fucking pathetic. You really expect me to turn up the fact that someone is finally much better that you in every far your only actual friend i like... though don't worry when I get her to be mine I'll make sure she's not seen with a no body like you." Lauren says Haru growls, "please, eri would never fall for a cunt like you...." He says and Lauren glares at him, "wanna bet you fucking waste of space." Haru smiles "yeah I do...cuz eri takes her orders from the commission now....and if I were to let it slip how you treat friends AND really think she'll take your word over theirs?" He smiles and Kota shook his head and goes to get eri after turning off the stove. "Haru let's go hang out at your place.... imma stay there for awhile" he says and Haru nods and Lauren growls, "not even gonna help me up?! FUCKING DICK!" she screams as Kota and Haru leave and eri was covering her ears, mumbling, and pacing back and forth. "Eri?" Haru says and eri looks up, "I'm not going back inside." She says and Haru raised his hands. "We were actually gonna go to my place....if you wanna join" he offers and eri thinks and looks down "can we go to my place instead? That's the only place...they aren't allowed" eri says and Haru nods and looks at Kota who also agreed. They all just went to eri's place and when she enters aizawa, mic, and shinso immediately greeted her and Haru and stared at Kota but eri glares at them so they backed off. Kota instantly realized they weren't very Happy to see him after he picked Lauren over eri and just abandoned her but he was too tired to care. "Hey papa? Can you make us some tea or coco?" She asks and mic nods, "of course rockstar, are they gonna be staying the night?" Mic asks and eri looks at the two and they both nod and aizawa nods "alright, oh you have a meeting with the commission tomorrow afternoon...we stalled as long as we could but they're not having it....but me and your dad will be right there with you okay?" Eri nods and smiles taking the two males back to her room. "Sorry sorry I didn't really expect guests" eri says as she picks up the two dirty clothes on the floor and Haru looks at Kota who shrugs as Kota was used to eri being a neat freak so he didn't say anything about it.

They both sat down on the couch in eri's room as she quickly tries to change her bed sheets. "Is that blood?" Haru says and Kota covers his mouth and eri looks down embarrassed. "U-um no?" She says say Kota looks at her, "I have pain killers if you need any....go ahead and deal with the bed sheets I'll talk with him okay? Don't be embarrassed about it" eri nods and leaves and Kota turns towards Haru, "you've never randomly shown up here before have you?" He asks and Haru shook his head. "Alright listen, as you know girls have this thing called a period. Eri's gets really heavy and she tends to bleed through a lot when she's asleep, she can't control it and of course when she knows someone's coming over she changes the bedding just in case and she'll even use a puppy pad at night so they don't need to worry about anything. So yes what you saw was blood but I promise she wasn't hurt. Next time don't mention it, if it's a fatal wound you'll be able to tell....but also if she bleeds through just tie a jacket around her waist and let her know so she can deal with it" Kota says and Haru nods. "How many-" he asks, "I didn't care so a lot....there were sometimes I'd wake up in a puddle of blood or have blood on my pants....again don't say anything, she has no control over it and yes she knows it's hella heavy but a pad and tampon don't really do the trick... despite the fact she uses both together." Kota explains and Haru was shocked and shivers at the thought of getting period blood on him, though Kota was completely unfazed, "don't worry the blood comes right out with cold water" he says going on his phone to scroll through social media.

Eri soon comes back with new bedding and a puppy pad, "here I'll set the bed" Kota says, "no that's not necessary..." She says embarrassed, "it's okay, go grab some things to help you feel more comfortable okay?" He says taking the bedding from eri she was hesitant but nods and leaves. Kota sets eri's bed and placed the puppy pad on the bed and sets up her heating pad for her back and one for her stomach to ease the cramps. "Woah you know what your doing" Haru teased, "duh, I've only known eri since we were 6....and we were um...kinda dating for awhile before I fucked up....that's besides the point. Anyways do you win back someone?....I fucked up and no doubt I hurt eri do I win her back?" Kota asks and Haru sighs. "I...I dunno... I'll try and think of something...but If anyone knows how to win eri back it's you..." Haru says and Kota nods knowing he's right.

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