second chance

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As time went on Kota quickly realized Yuki liked eri. Eri also seemed very found of him as well. As for with Kota their relationship was just really strained. Eri really did try to get along with him but it was hard... especially since Lauren was still up his ass about everything. "OPEN THE FUCK UP!" Lauren yells banging on eri's door and eri was fed up. "GO THE FUCK HOME YOU CUNT!" She yells back while Kota honestly just hid upstairs too scared to even face Lauren which eri understood since he told her everything. Eri eventually had to go outside cuz she was about to break down the door and the two girls really did get into it. Of course eri won but Lauren did used the fact that eri had really long hair. Her hair went all the way to the middle of her calves, usually eri had it up but since she was home she didn't bother and just left it down.

Once she was done she goes into her room. She had a busted lip and Kota's heart sank and he rushes to check on her. "It's okay really...." Eri reassured as Kota watched as her lip healed right before his eyes until it was just fine. "You okay?..." He asks worried, "mhm, she just ducked when I didn't think she would and I slammed into a tree....never knew she was smart enough to grab hair" eri sighs and Kota rubs eri's head. "Sorry...I should've warned you....that's her favorite thing to do" he sighs and kisses eri on the forehead. "So what's up with you and Yuki?" Kota asks a little jealous, "oh um....well Haru introduced us...." Eri says and sighs, "yes I know he likes me....I just chose to ignore it" eri admitted and Kota was shocked, "it doesn't...." Eri gives him a look, "last I checked your still the only person I've let kiss me...what am I so good at playing it off that you didn't notice me rejected his attempts?" Eri asks and Kota was shocked and sighs gently holding eri's face. "For someone who left me for someone else you sure do get jealous when someone else shows interest in me" eri says and Kota looks down. "I messed up.... don't I get a second chance?" He asks and eri was shocked and looks down and sighs. "I guess you do...I'm's just hard forgetting it..." She says and Kota kisses her once more on the forehead. "I know...but that's what second chances are for right? To let them have a chance to make it right....prove they've changed....and let them make it up to ya?" He says and eri sighs and nods and Kota holds her close. "But seriously if he ever kisses you or takes you from me imma run him over with my car" Kota growls and eri shook her head. "Leave him be" eri says leaning against Kota and just sighs. It felt nice just being able to stay close to him, of course by this time Kota learned that her house was the only place the commission wasn't allowed to enter...the rule was anywhere eri lives is just a safe place where they can't enter or harm her.

After all, everyone needs a place where they can relax and be themselves. Eri has an image to uphold everywhere, so giving her a space to rest was just meant to keep her from completely losing it. Kota just sighs and held eri happy that she had somewhere she could feel safe. "No more signing deals without me or your dad's present okay?" Kota scolds holding eri face and she nods. "I thought you saying selling my soul was a jokeeee" she whines and Kota looks at her, "I hoped it was, regardless we'll fix this okay? No matter what it takes...." He reassures trying to make sure eri never loses hope of her freedom. Eri nods and rests her head on the males shoulder as he sinks to the floor and pulls eri onto his lap. "I love you...." Kota says softly and eri tenses up and tears up as he hasn't said that to her in awhile. Kota holds her closer and just let her cry and he nuzzles her slightly. "I love you so much..." He whispers in her ear as he just rubs her head. Eri eventually cried herself to sleep and all Kota did was hold her, of course he did shift her around into a position that made it slightly more comfortable to do so. "I'm sorry....I never meant to hurt you so much...." He says brushing her hair behind her ear and kisses her on the head. Shinso soon comes in and seemed so defeated and he looks at Kota and eri. "Fuck...." He sighs seeing eri was already in a bad mood and Kota looks at him confused. "Um....the commission called...and despite our best is to be in arranged marriage....and we don't get a say....the commission will pick who she married..." Shinso says to Kota and he went pale and looks at eri. He realized he might not get the chance to make her actually love her. "I just got her back....please....I don't wanna lose her again..." Kota says panicking and shinso sighs, "unfortunately your not even in the fucking running for her hand.... though we all agreed that if we could pick we'd rather it be you than someone we don't if you need help trying to convince those assholes just let us know.... we'll do anything" Kota sighs and thinks, "well....what if we try and bribe them?..." He says rubbing eri's head, "if that doesn't work then I know a way to get eri outta this.... thought that would mean running somewhere they have no power over....and somewhere that won't send us back..." He says holding her closer protecting her and shinso sighs and nods. "We'll try....and wherever you go... don't tell matter what....okay?....tell no one.... they'll do everything they can to find her... we'll handle things here Kay?....but you can't come back" he warns and Kota nods looking at eri.

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