Chapter 1 - long live convenience

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"6 dead in 6 weeks? This is unacceptable."

"Oh please you act as if we've done nothing about this. I've already sent people to look into it but with no avail."

"You underestimated the threat, as always."

"You better not be implying what I think you're implying."

"What? That you have dismissed the armed detective agency time and time again leading only to your down fall."

"Since your little club is so great you won't mind sparing me a certain someone to work on this little issue."

"Typical, I suppose you will offer up an equal counterpart to use to manipulate your way into a truce, long enough for us to draw our attention away from you and your mafia."

"Fukazawa you wound me, surely you don't think this stunt isn't just bothering your agency. The port mafia has important inventory in France and I'd rather like for the attention to shift away before our presence there is discovered."

"And if I refuse? Surely it would be in my best interest for this inventory to be discovered."

"Then the bodies will continue to pile up with no end in sight, this deranged individual will kill and kill till he gets bored and moves to a new location to turn into his personal graveyard. I understand your hesitance but I will play my trump card if you play yours. We will either both win in the end or lose. 50/50. Whaddya say?"

"Mori don't pretend like this decision is in my hands, you know the answer because you know I have no choice."

"Splendid, see you Monday."




"Surely we can't start the meeting yet, the president said it was important and Dazai isn't here yet." Atsushi asked, eyes flickering from the members already sitting to the door that had been untouched for the last 20 minutes.

"That's never stopped us before."

"Don't say that Kyouka." Atsushi pouted lightly, going through the motions.

"She's not wrong, that lazy bastard will either be half an hour late or never show."

The entirety of this interaction felt like déjà vu, unfortunately for everyone Dazai was rarely punctual, although there was a higher chance of him showing up when they weren't already informed about what the meeting would be about. Some say it's because he's curious but it's more like he can't already have everything figured out if he doesn't know what it is, and that bothered him. Curiosity may have killed the cat but if the cat had just been three steps ahead his nine lives would be intact.

"No worries, Dazai and our guests will both be here shortly, knowing the timings Dazai works to he may just run into them on his way here. We'll begin."

The agency fell silent at the presidents' words, Kunikida still squirming slightly in his seat, enraged once again at Dazai's tardiness and blatant disrespect that even the president had noticed.

"We have been given intel regarding a string of murders taking place in Monte Carlo France. It has been 6 weeks since the first murder and since then there has been a new victim every week. As you can believe this is a worryingly short amount of time between murders and the French lack resources capable to counter ability users."

"What has led them to believe it is an ability user?"

"Simple, the complete lack of any evidence. No point of entry, no exit, almost no struggle, no murder weapons, no witnesses and no survivors. Even worse these murders are all happening within one area and even with the shear number of guards being stationed there is no sign of them catching him anytime-" The president was cut short by the approaching sound of two peoples voices.

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