Chapter 2 - Muscle Memory

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"The mission duration is unpredictable as it all depends on how quickly you can gather evidence and then obviously find who did it and catch them, along with the fact that the train ride lasts 12 hours without stops. So you could be looking at a month undercover." The president flicked through to a slide showing a map with the train route painted in blue.

"Great, so I have to spend a month with Dazai before inevitable dying in a horrifically gruesome way."

"Not to mention that everything has to be done following PACE rules and the fact that you guys could be discovered and therefore be in danger too. We are also aware of the fact that you two haven't properly worked together in a long time, sure there was the guild incident and we've been working with the mafia to find Fyodor. I don't know the extent of the time Dazai worked in the mafia but surely you guys weren't working closely together alone for long periods of time."

"Chuuya pop quiz."

"Tch not this again, I thought I'd finally escaped these."

"Zigzagging pineapple"

"I go high and draw attention to myself while you do some stupid smart shit bellow."

"When I wear a cast I either have a broken bone or..."

"Or a cement block or steal plating or lighter fluid or some other crap you won't tell me about till I think you've been stabbed and then it's surprise I'm actually wearing Kevlar armour."

"You call me salmon instead of mackerel."

"I think something is seriously wrong and we might have to leave the situation."

"If while conversing with someone else I compliment their tenacity it means... "

"That you don't trust them or to be wary when with them till told otherwise."

For a second Chuuya could've sworn he say surprise flash across Dazais face, but if that were true why would he have tested him if he didn't think he'd remember. Dazai nodded and turned to the leaders with a proud smirk, whether he was proud of Chuuya for remembering this shit for all these years or at the fact that his dog was trained to perfection, Chuuya won't know.

"Seems like this won't be a problem, you two are closer than I thought."

"Last time I checked people who were close didn't blow up each other's cars."

"When will you leave that alone, I brought you a new better car you didn't need that dingy thing anymore. But anyway what won't be a problem?"

Mori practically jumped up and down from excitement.

"We'll get to that later, for now let's get your undercover alias printed out and while we wait tell you the specifics."

"You guys will stay in the Hermitage hotel and pose as guests with the same first names but different last names. This is a luxury hotel for the richest of rich so you will have to act as if none of it is new to you and make sure you are regularly seen around the hotel as it's normal for guests to stay for months at a time. At the same time you'll have to somehow discreetly survey the many suspects while simultaneously attending social events as to maintain your cover all while taking pictures, noting down people's whereabouts, watching security footage and examining the crime scenes for your own conclusions."

"One days from now you will both take a 12 hour train to Monte Carlo, you will be met by a member of the French police who is disguised as a butler from the hotel, he'll escort you to the Hermitage. You will have the first day to get used to your surroundings and set up any equipment you need in a secret part of your room. You will make yourselves look approachable and willingly talk with the regulars as to make yourselves look unthreatening, scope out which guests may cause any problems or better yet find who's responsible."

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