25. Christmas

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Third pov

The next day Bella woke up by Luca, Benjamin and Matthew barging inside her room. Rocco begin to bark at the kids for waking him up.

"Bella it's christmas!" Benjamin said before jumping on Bellas bed. 

"It's snowing outside!" Matthew then said making Bella quickly look outside her window. She than got up from the bed but before she could jump off the bed Luca was quick to pick her up.

"You still have this on remember" Luca said pointing at her cast while putting her down on the floor. "You have to be careful" Bella nodded and started to pet Rocco.

Suddenly Bella started to yell and laugh at the same time when Matthew pick her up and started tickling her while running down the stairs and outside into the garden that was covered in snow. Then he put her down onto the snow and Bella let out a scream from the cold snow.

By now the whole family had woken up and all the kids had ran outside to see whats happening. 

Bella and her brothers were making snow angels in their pj's, laughing. 

Today was going to be Bellas first real christmas. She would actually get to feel loved and cared for. 

After some more snow angels and snow balls flying here and there the mothers came outside to get the kids inside.

"Get inside your gonna get sick" Valentina said.

Bella wasn't sure if she should listen to her aunt or continue to play so she did what her brothers did. Bella tried to form a ball of snow to throw at someone but it was harder than it looked. She waited on the ground until someone came close enough for her to throw a snow ball at them. But it just so happens to be Luciano.

"Who threw that?" He asked while looking around. Everyone had now stoped throwing snow balls and just watched Luciano search for the person responsible.

Bella tried so hard not to giggle but she really couldn't hold it in any longer. Everyone looked at her as she fell onto her back in the snow laughing.

"Did you throw that at me" Luciano asked playfully.

Bella shook her head super fast making herself dizzy.

"Oh you did" He said and ran up to her. He than started to tickle Bella wich made her squirm around trying to get free.

"Okey okey stop now Luciano give your sister some mercy" Silvia told him.

Luciano stopped tickling her and Silvia walked up to them both picking up Bella.

"Now, Marry christmas everyone and get inside. I dont want to have to deal with sick children" Silvia told everyone before carrying Bella inside.

Vincenzo walked up to them both inside the kitchen and stole Bella from Silvia's embrace. "Marry christmas princess" 

"m-mawry christmas Papa"

After everyone had come inside and changed into some warm and not wet clothes, it was time for presents. 

The family were all sittin in the living room. Some sat on the floor in front of the fire place and some sat on the big L shaped couch.

"I wanna go first" Benjamin said in an hurry.

After Benjamin opened all his presents it became Bellas time.

She was sitting in her mothers lap on the floor with super many presents in front of her. It was kinda hard to get the paper of but for a three year old she did good.

Bella got a golden neckles from her father with her name on it, then she got some toys and books from her brothers. Graysontold her that he could read her new books to her everytime she goes to sleep. Than she also got some clothes from the rest of the family. 

The day went by fast. Everyone was laughing and having fun. They were all super greatful for having such a good, loving family. 

Dinner came and the family had all helped cooking everything. Of course tho Giulia made the most of the dinner. She is the best cook out of all of them. If heaven had an taste her food would be it.

That night Bella went to sleep with all her brothers laying in sleeping bags on her floor.


Hi guys a shorter chapter it is today.

Kinda was in an hurry while writing this so the gramar could be wrong.

Next chapter they will be going to an event!

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