๑ Fell - 2 ๑

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Joshua tried to stand up by the support of the stairs railing, but it wasn't of use because it was only causing him in more pain.

Then he remember that his phone is still in his pocket, thank God he remembered that.

He took it out and dial the number, it ringg...but no one picked up, he try another time, bad luck. He sigh and try calling other member, again bad luck. He heaved a big sigh "what's wrong today, why they are not picking up my call, they must be enjoying really well " Joshua said in his mind.

He tried again ,after some ringg finally jeonghan picked up his phone, "hello " Joshua speak, "hello "jeonghan reply. "Hannie " Joshua speak but jeonghan couldn't hear him probably so he went out "Shua, what happened are you enjoying with ur mom "jeonghan asked. Joshua shook his head he took deep breathe "Hannie I need help ,i-i can't stand "Joshua said in one go and still in pain.upon those words jeonghan just froze. "hello, Hannie are you their "Joshua speak from another line. And jeonghan came to his world. "yeah, yeah just wait for us there shua " jeonghan replied and cut the call. He went inside and told everyone and everyone immediately stood up and went to their car. He started driving off in little speed. To reach home as soon as possible.

When they reach they saw Joshua on stairs trying to stand, mingyu and wonwoo run quickly towards him, they both support his back and made him stood up, mingyu still holding Joshua's waist to give him support. "OMG Joshua ""Are you okay hyung "they all started worrying and asking. "guys relax I'm okay it just it's paining in my back " Joshua replied. "I think we should go to doctor "hoshi said. "no no I'm okay "Joshua replied. "shush you are not "jeonghan said. Joshua just sighs.

They took him to hospital, they were waiting outside "when will doctor be back? "dino asked. "I don't -"scoups was going to answer but soon the door opens revealing doctor.

Doctor said that they have nothing to worry about, his back was strained and he will be okay after resting.

Everyone thanked the doctor and wave him goodbye. They all went inside to meet Joshua but he was sleeping. "shush don't make any noise "scoups said and everyone nodded.

After 2weeks ~

They can finally take Joshua home, as he was getting better really fast but that doesn't mean he can roam around he still have to rest.

Jun,dk and mingyu went to pick Joshua up well other members were decorating the house.

They arrived and when Joshua entered everyone shouted "WELCOME BACK " .joshua was surprised and couldn't control his emotions, he started crying.

Everyone went near to him and started comforting him with hugs . "thank guys so much, if you guys wouldnt be here I don't know what would I have done "Joshua said in tears. Everyone again hug him tightly.

"okay stop this emotional drama now let's celebrate "jeonghan said and everyone chuckled, they celebrate .

They'll will go to Joshua's room every day and give him hugs and cuddles . Until he gets fine properly.

Hope you guys like it
I'm not doctor so if theirs anything wrong please correct me in comment 🤗
KarviPaul sorry for late updated, hope you like it .I know its short and I'm really sorry for that. 🤗💜

You guys can request the hurt/sick fic of Joshua in my comment section. Please explain the plot properly and I will try my best to write it. Also it will take time but I will definitely post it. So if you have request please comment it.

Have a great day everyone 🤗💞

HURT/SICK FICS of JOSHUA Where stories live. Discover now