chapter two

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count on it

"i just want you to be fucking honest with me!" your boyfriend yells as you roll your eyes making your way to the door.

"i am." you deadpan.

"you aren't! it's been a month and we haven't gotten any charges from your doctor. you stopped going."

"i told you, i don't know why they stopped charging you! i just don't know why you're complaining." you lie. you knew exactly why they stopped. you stopped going. opting to meet with jeongin instead. you learned his name the second time you met with him. but you obviously couldn't tell that to your boyfriend.

"i called them. they said you haven't been there. they said you cancelled." he states, your eyes widening slightly.

"whatever." you turn, pulling the door open.

"where the fuck are you going?"

"none of your business." you slam the door, tears streaming down your cheeks as you practically ran down the sidewalk, hoping he wouldn't decide to follow you.

jeongin had told you countless times to tell him the truth, but you never could. of course, jeongin didn't know that your boyfriend was essentially your financial support, and you'd be homeless if it wasn't for him. you couldn't exactly afford to tell him that you'd been meeting with another guy instead of going to therapy.

you weren't even sure what would be waiting for you when you went home today, but you didn't want to think about that. and luckily for you, the cure to not think was just around the corner. you and jeongin had started meeting in a different spot. another creepy dark alley, but it was closer to your house, and apparently his.

despite the creepy meeting location, your meets were always innocent. mostly just chatting, in fact, you and jeongin had stopped smoking weed. the two of you getting too lost in conversation to take the time to light the joint. but as for today, you prayed he had some with him.

"hey— woah, why are you crying?" he asks as you come down the alley.

"please tell me you have weed." you ignore his question.

"i uh... yeah..." he trails off, reaching into his pocket, pulling out a lighter and a joint. you sigh in relief as you pull them from his hands, quickly lighting it before bringing it to your lips to take a long drag. "are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" he asks.

"does it matter?"

"well, yeah. you're clearly upset." he replies with furrowed brows.

"it's just my boyfriend. nothing important." you wave him off.

"you still haven't told him?"

"no. and i'm not going to." you tell him, despite the fact that you were sure he already knew.

"if you can't tell him anything, why are you with him?" his words shocked you. he had said a lot about your boyfriend, but never even alluded to the fact that you should leave him. you were thankful for that, as it kept you from having to tell him that you were financially dependent on him.

"because i love him." a partial lie. you did love him, at one point at least.

"you don't keep things from the people you love." he retorts.

"no? so when were you gonna tell me about that bag of pills in your pocket?" you ask, motioning downward. he instantly backs up, face flushing red.

"w-what? n-no they're not for me!" he defends.

"i'm not judging." you raise your hands in defense. "but i'm just saying— the call is coming from inside the house." you look him up and down, taking another long drag from the joint.

"at least i'm not in an unhealthy relationship." he retorts, leaning against the wall in defeat.

"you are. just not with a person." you shrug, offering him the joint. he rolls his eyes before taking it from your hand to bring to his own lips.

"whatever." you smile absentmindedly, closing your eyes, allowing the buzz of the weed to slowly take over, making you feel light, and at ease. making you forget the possible destruction that awaited you when you inevitably went home.

that didn't matter right now. all that mattered was the cold brick wall, the dark alley, and your new best friend. jeongin understood you, and you understood him. there was no judgement, and you felt as if nothing mattered when you were with him. as for the consequences that came later, well, that was a problem for you in the future.

for now, you'd much rather indulge in the feeling of having no responsibilities.

it was just easier that way.

yellow // yang jeongin ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin