chapter three

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for the better

"i'd be lying if i told you i didn't expect this." jeongin states as he helps you carry your bag up the stairs of his apartment complex. you were moving in with him, having getting cut off by your boyfriend. the situation ultimately forcing you to come clean to jeongin about your financial dependence on the boy. but jeongin was quick to swoop in and save the day— not asking a single question before he asked you to stay with him in his one bedroom apartment.

"are you trying to make me feel worse?" you ask him.

"no— i'm just trying to tell you, i warned you." he shrugs. "i just wish you had told me sooner."

"i thought you'd run for the hills. no one wants someone who has none of their own money."

"didn't think you thought i was that shallow."

"that's not what i meant, jeongin."

"right." he sighs as he pushes the door open. "i've cleaned out a couple of drawers for you, you can have the bedroom-"

"i don't want to take your bed, i'll take the couch." you instantly decline his offer. his face turned disapproving as he looked back at you. "please, let me do just this one thing. i already feel bad enough about staying here." you plead.

"fine. but if you're uncomfortable at all, please let me know. i really don't mind, i nap on the couch all the time." he reluctantly agrees, still leading you to the bedroom so you could unpack.

"i'm gonna call my old boss tomorrow morning." you tell him, looking around his bedroom, noting the desk littered in scattered papers covered in words you couldn't quite make out from the distance.

"yeah? are you nervous?" he asks, pulling open the drawers he emptied for you.

"well, i quit back when my parents passed. last i talked to her she told me to take care of myself. so i don't think there is any bad blood." you explain.

"that's good to hear— oh i forgot this was in here." he suddenly laughs. you look over to him, watching as he pulls out a plastic box full of what you assumed to be various bongs. "here, will you throw these in the closet?" he asks, handing the box to you.

you giggle as you place it on his bed, opting to open and look through it instead.

"where'd you get all of these?" you ask, picking up a small bright pink one.

"that's what happens when you're a stoner since high school." he replies, still chuckling slightly.

"i think i'll hold onto this one, if you don't mind." you tell him, picking up a small one in your favorite color.

"go for it." he shrugs. you smile, putting the lid back on the box, finally placing it in the closet like he asked. your eyes widen slightly as you bring your gaze back onto him, seeing that he held your bathroom bag in his hands.

"jeongin— let me handle that." you stop him, pulling the bag from his hands. he was currently trying to quit pills again, and you knew you had regular pain pills in that bag. nothing crazy for a normal person, but for a recovering addict, it could be a real trigger.

"why? afraid i'll see your tampons?" he jokes. you fake a laugh, nodding your head.

"that's personal stuff." you egg him on, earning a laugh from him.

"oh, but i can see these?" his tone turning suggestive as he pulls a pair of lacy panties from your bag. "i didn't take you for the lace type." he shrugs. you groan, grabbing the panties from his hands.

"what does that even mean?" you question, folding them up and placing them in one of the upper drawers.

"don't know, i thought you were more of the silk type."

"it's weird that you've thought about that." you laugh, rolling your eyes when he pulls out another pair.

"is it? i think it's perfectly normal." he shrugs, feigning innocence.

"anyways." you giggle, changing the subject. "what's all this?" you finally made your way to the desk, picking up one of the papers on it. you read over it just before jeongin snatched it out of your hand, quickly gathering all of the other ones, shoving them into the drawer under the desk.

"it's nothing. just a friends." he explains quickly.

"that was a poem. do you write?" you ask, despite his statement.

"i just told you, they're not mine." he shrugs.

"well whoever's it is, it was pretty good." you tell him, though you couldn't shake that first line that you read.

the girl in the alley.

could it be about you? or was it just a coincidence? but the way the next couple of lines described your appearance. your eye color, hair color, it even seemed to mention the unique curve of your lips as you took a drag from a joint. but you'd only read one out of the tens that he picked up and hid.

you knew it wasn't right to snoop, if he wanted you to see, he would show you. but you couldn't lie, you were now extremely curious.

luckily for jeongin, you weren't exactly the type to go against others wishes. or go through others personal things. so you would make no move to learn more about the mysterious poems.

at least, not yet.

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