chapter four

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a shift in reality

"jeongin! have you seen my weed?" you call out, face contorted as you look around the apartment.

"i threw it out." he shrugs, walking out of the bathroom, running a hand through his hair.

"you— what?" you couldn't believe what you had just heard.

"it's gone."

"why would you do that?" you raise your voice slightly.

"you've been sent home from work six times in the last week because you've been too high to do your job." he states, crossing his arms over his chest.

"and i told you, i'd stop smoking so much before work." you retort.

"you said that last week." he raises a challenging eyebrow.

"seriously, jeongin. this isn't funny."

"i'm not laughing." he shrugs.

"fine." you chuckle bitterly, stomping into the kitchen. you smirked to yourself as you heard jeongin instantly follow you.

"don't-" his attempt was futile as you swung open a cabinet, pulling out not one, not two, but three bags of pain killers. "stop." he warns. but you pay him no mind, opening each bag, pouring all of the pills into the sink. jeongin's eyes widen in horror when you turn on the faucet, wetting and ruining each and every pill. but he didn't dare take a step towards you, he knew better.

"i can't have mine, you can't have yours." you tell him, turning the water off once all the pills were soaked.

"i— i wasn't even taking those! i was going to sell them f-for more money!" he tries to defend himself, but you didn't believe it for a second. you knew how he was when he was high off his ass with pain killers, and he had been like that for the last week.

again— you'd never judge him, but if he thinks he has the right to make you quit, you felt as if you could do the same to him.

it was only fair, right?

"jeongin, you're high off your ass right now. don't lie to me." you speak your mind, watching his eyes widen slightly.

"i— no i just took one!"

"doesn't matter if you took ten! you've been saying you're quitting for ages now. maybe it's time you actually do it."

"you first." he retorts.

"doesn't seem like you gave me a choice." you walk up to him, glaring into his eyes.

"bathroom, top drawer." he tells you.


"that's where your weed is." you couldn't help when your head snapped in the direction of the bathroom, fully prepared to roll some before you had to go to work. but jeongin had other plans. he gently grabs your chin, turning you to look back at him. "if you leave it, i'll throw out the rest of my pills." he tells you.

"the rest?" you question.

"yes. the ones you can't and won't find."

and over the months you've spent with him, you've grown to care for him. and if you're being honest, you much preferred how he was when he was sober. and maybe he felt the same way about you, maybe that's why he was bargaining with you right now.

"how long?"

"forever. like you said— it's time we actually do it." your chin still firm in his grasp.

"fine. let's do it." despite your urges, you agree. you knew your habits were bad, not to mention expensive.

"deal?" he cocks an eyebrow.

"deal." you nod, and to your complete surprise, he presses his lips against yours, molding his perfectly with yours as you kiss him back without a second thought. a moment you'd thought about countless times, but you never thought it would actually happen. you didn't think he saw you in that way. "what was that?" you ask, breathless the moment his lips leave yours.

"sealing the deal." he smirks, running his tongue along his bottom lip. you couldn't help but laugh, jeongin joining you shortly after.

"ever heard of a handshake?" you joke.

"hm? i haven't, what's that?" he asks sarcastically, pulling another laugh from you.

"you're an idiot. yang jeongin." you chuckle. though in all seriousness, you couldn't imagine taking a step like this with anyone else. you were glad to have him in your life.

besides— the feelings bubbling up from that kiss was enough to keep you fully distracted from the fix you normally craved. and unbeknownst to you, jeongin felt the same way.

in fact, his main reason for not getting completely clean was the fear of rejection from you. he used the pills to ignore his feelings, because it was much easier to do that than to face them, and possibly face rejection. hell, his heart was beating out of his chest when he made the move to kiss you.

but when you kissed him back? that was all he needed to know he would never pop a single pill ever again.

he knew the moment he met you in the alley, that there were other forms of happiness in the world.

and despite the two of you meeting at some of the lowest points in your lives, you both saw a new kind of happiness within one another. a happiness that you craved. a happiness that could only be obtained through each other's presence.

the two of you quickly found yourself feening for a different type of fix.

an underrated drug, but one that is arguably more addictive than any street drug you could find.


the lack that you had experienced from your ex after your parents had passed, and the lack jeongin had experienced after all of his friends left him due to his crippling addiction. the two of you filling the void with other— less ideal things.

and for the first time in a while, it felt like you didn't have to do that.

the drug every human ultimately craves the most, was finally right in front of you again, and you weren't about to let it slip from your grasp. no matter what it takes, you were determined to get your fix.

and so was he.

a.n.: sorry this update is late i was out getting dicked down tbh LMFAOO

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