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Most people have children. This part your probably going to have to read all of them unless you already have the amount of children you want (only saying this because I know you guys skip to your zodiac ;) ).  Anyways, all children have a bad side or an annoying side to be more precise.

Aries: The Aires child is a special one. This particular child is that cliché, "you will most likely know at least one in your life time" child. I will be kind enough to point out how it is that one child (that you probably already have in your mind) is a special one. Well, this child I believe is the definition of ADHD. I am putting this very (very) lightly. It's so much that sleep is not in their vocabulary, let alone an action they do. They also do not play well with other children. Yeah, you know that dominant child that forces kids and sometime adults to play what they want to play. That's an Aries child. I hope I have educated you.

Taurus: The thing I am excited about is that Taurus children are "natural prone" to sexuality and often are influenced by the opposite sex. ;) ;) ;)
I love this and it's so much more interesting than others. Batting from the same T, the Taurus children NEED to be touched. (Not like that, dirty mind) Growing they need lots and lots of cuddles and love. If not given they grow into a sluggish, overweight (fat) child. Literally like the bull.

Gemini: I don't think I could handle a Gemini child. I'm physically trying not to imagine what goes on in the house with a Gemini child. Having that scattered energy, fine, cool, even I have that moments. However, the pranks and cheeky tricks, you honestly can get away from me. Don't touch me. Also I don't do behavior problems because you, child, live life with your nerves. Nope sorry not for me. I congratulate the parents that can.

Cancer: OH THE CANCERIAN (found that on the wonderful internet and I will use it from now on) CHILDREN WHO ARE DOTED ON!! THE SHYNESS IS OVERWHELMING. The child has formed into the classic loner of society!!! What will we do?? While this child suffers emotional weaknesses, poor food combinations, and the daily sulking of an outcast. We, my friends, live our lives to the fullest.

Leo: Literally the only thing I could find on Leo children is that they like a tyrant king. The tyrant must be the leader of the show, friendships, family gatherings, and basically anything that involves them. LONG LIVE THE CHILD KING OR QUEEN.

Virgo: I think i like the Virgo children. They're basically bookworms who take learning to the extreme. Yeah the child is smart but it's to the point that they can't handle anything. They can't handle not being absolutely perfect. Or the idea that there is such things as a peer. They become so self-absorbed in this that their health becomes so bad that it can permanent medical problems. IT SOUNDS LIKE ME. I wish to have a Virgo child.

Libra: Libra children. What???????
Okay so they're like the peace keepers??? If their environment changes into argument in anyway, they get like disturb and go all emo. However, they can debate the shit out of people................ you see the controversy......

Scorpio: These are just naturally fucked up children. If not properly trained, this child (more like demon) can become obsessive, spiteful, and be down right controlling. But don't worry the child will find a suitable hobby to help the yearning. Some hobbies like reading about murders, watching horror movies, and forming down right horrible relationships with people. Sounds like fun ;]

Sagittarius: The attention grabber child!!!!!! the absolute worst child among us.... the drawings have to go on the fridge and the football trophy has to be on the middle of the table like a freaking center piece. Then they don't care. They move on to the next sport or drawing but you have to be there the whole freaking time saying "great job". oh, and don't forget that they'er the best

Capricorn: This is the child you remember in third grade as the teachers pet. Even tho they might not like learning in school or doing chores, They will be the one child that every adult dotes on. However, away from adults the child is a nightmare. basically you have to be on the same level and if you annoy them? you probably won't every get along ever again.

Aquarius: This is the child that leaves everything unfinished or half done. That's not the worst. They are also very sensitive and impulsive. Its sometimes so hard to understand whats the child is saying or doing. so be prepared!! this child will likely grow not being a touche person. so they try to keep away from Taurus.   

Pieces: pieces are also very (more so then anyone) sensitive but they cover this with traveling. Not like actually traveling but going into portals into another world. yeah............ Also because of this overload of emotions, the pieces might become loners. For reasons that they believe they are too good or not good at all. but don't worry imaginary friends are always an option. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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