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shinji had spent the past six years, collecting starships, using his flagship the U.S.S.-GLENN as his main means of doing so, despite the ships heavy damages he has managed to gain a steady supply of mycelium spores, and hooking the mycelium spore drive to his provisional evangelion unit-01, he has gained some control over where he ends up, though that took a couple practice attempts

now he had a miranda-class starship, a nebula-class starship (somehow he managed to steal the hulk of one from a wolf 359), a klingon bird of prey, the kelvin timeline U.S.S.-VENGENCE which was also heavily damaged but do to it's highly advanced automated systems was exceedingly easy to repair to combat readiness

what he also managed to get his hands on was the gundam schwarzette guardian sword, which had all the data for the gundformat system within, much to one shinji ikari's glee, he also attained the RM-031: valvrave III 'hikaminari', which has become his primary unit he only brings out his EVA unit-01, during the more dangerous battles

shinji had already taken care of his father, using the valvrave III to take on his unmanned EVAs and the unit did so spectacularly well, in his travels he came across a special book that opened his horizons significantly

shinji had already taken care of his father, using the valvrave III to take on his unmanned EVAs and the unit did so spectacularly well, in his travels he came across a special book that opened his horizons significantly

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this grimoire, was the beginning of everything, as each chapter signified a different piece of technology, chapter-one for example, designated all of technology for the evangelions, and the weapons used by them, chapter two were the starfleet vessels, and the singular klingon vessel that shinji got his hands on, chapter-three was the gundformat system in all of it's variants, and the units equipped with those systems and their capabilities, chapter four dealt with the valvraves, all of them, and the splicer Z-type fighter, and most importantly to shinji the ER114 ideal-class mechanized annihilator

the grimoire also had a chapter-zero, this chapter-zero personified the dimension where shinji got the grimoire, where shinji can access all seven archives, though only one at a time, and this also allows shinji to access all of the known thema at the time of the grimoire's activation, plus ORTIS, shinji's own thema, of the avaritia archive, which using the awakened form of unit-13 would allow shinji to rewrite and recreate the world, making him essentially a god, so long as he is using unit-13 as a catalyst to amplify his powers

unlocking this particular power gave shinji, hope, so he went to misato and showed her what he had achieved, to say the woman was in shock was an understatement, the grimoire had complete control over unit-13, control over unit-01 was unnecessary as it was already under shinji's control regardless, she agreed that using the grimoire they could not only rebuild their world but make it better, so she gathered a select group from her organization, which were all former NERV personnel, so that they got along with shinji himself, and they boarded the glenn, the more full the grimoire is, the more they can change their world

shinji quickly learned that chapters could expand as he learned that, chapter two simply titled G, had expanded almost immediately upon getting their hands on the gundam thrones, gaining the allegiance of the trinity siblings in the process, this got access to the anno-domini bit control system, which went right next to the gundbit control system, the quantum system, raiser system, most notably the trans-am system, the twin-drive system, the trial-system, the orbital elevator, the anno-domini core block system, the GN condenser, the GN-field, quantum teleportation

new weapons were also added to the arsenal with this chapter, the GN-beam rifle, GN buster rifle, GN-claw, the GN-sword in all of it's variants, GN composite armor, GN vulcans, and the shipboard GN laser, and a large list of mobile suits, to go with that list, what made the grimoire so damn powerful, was that shinji could summon out up to three copies of anything that is within the pages of the grimoire, this made one ritsuko akagi very happy

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